Saturday, October 3, 2015

Day two of icy arm burn oops!

 Today it feels as if I had a normal hot burn, with heat emanating from its center, and looks that way too, my skin is red and mottled colored in spots, shades of red and white, covering an area of about six to eight inches in an uneven circumference; at least it is not blackened or blistered that would mean a more serious condition, thankfully it is not!
And so I applied an antibiotic topical medication to it, polysporin, but it still stings. I did not do it yesterday, I was hoping not to need any.
The location is on the underside of my upper right arm so it does unfortunately get rubbed by clothing even though I am wearing a short sleeve blouse.   
That will teach me, something I did actually know; not to use an ice pack without some protective material between it and bare skin.
Pain sometimes makes you forget common sense, shame on me!  
An excuse I will try not to ever use or ever need to use again, I hope.
The whole time I was writing about this incident last night not once did I mention the name of the medication for my Multiple Sclerosis that I was injecting when I got the muscle, causing the incident of extreme pain; it is Copaxone that I have been injecting since 2010 when it had been first prescribed, and this is the first time I got the muscle.
Hopefully my still painful right arm will allow me to complete my blog tonight.
Moving on...

Any-who, horrid things have been noticed too by me happening in  the world, mostly in our USA in the news, other than my own problems.
Never ever allow yourself to become apathetic with mass murders domestically or internationally!
As we all  know the world is hard to control, but starting at home is easier, so let me suggest we all start here/there.
You know what I mean.     

On that note of vague speaking but hopeful, allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy safe healthy good night and ask all of you to kindly count all your blessings and share all your overages with you know whom and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

PS all places dealing with Hurricane Joaquin or his effects our prayers are with you; stay safe!  

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