Sunday, October 4, 2015

What do you think it is?

Day three of my icy burn, showing above/here much better than worse. Perhaps I shot the PIC too close but it is my appendage and since I am right handed and this is on my right upper arm it's not too bad,hmm?
I don't believe in asking Hubby to take my pictures of such things, only pretty pics of other things.
The supposition here is, at this point I may be left with another nasty scar. Geez, I could have been a gang member with the collection of scars that I have been acquiring since an adult!
Sure I had the knee stitches as a four year old going too high on a swing and falling off onto a gravel playground. And the broken finger when a preteen of twelve determining that football and being a tomboy wasn't going to be my thing.
Although, the broken leg was as an adult washing our fifthwheel's windows and falling off the ladder onto a cement patio, I was in my mid-forties that time. Also scars from left hand surgery from basilar joint arthritis, 2001, at fifty-one.
One concussion was when I reached up for a box of about eighty pounds(could be an exaggeration, since I didn't find the time to weigh it.)  full of dishes in the garage, I was in my mid-thirties. Next time was a nasty bloody head, causing pink hair, (but scar not seen due to the location I suppose) slipping on the vinyl flooring and hitting my head on the wall oven in the vintage Airstream we owned for a couple of years, I was in my earlier forties.Then around fifty that nasty dog bite of forty tiny stitches, by a plastic surgeon, on my lip due to accidentally rolling over our Hurricane Andrew rescue's, named Andrew, Collie-Shepard's tail with my computer chair, way back in 2000, at age fifty, then a biopsy a couple years later on my left facial cheek due to a lump like a small marble, that was benign but required a stitch laterally, and lastly the six stitches this past June in that same area due to squamous cell carcinoma, but I'm good now.
Darn this face and body has been through a lot not counting the fifteen different surgeries for so much stuff, I did mention a few.
By now most of you must think that I should wear a mask?
Nah, I leave the house bare face.
Many of my scars are not all that obvious except to me I've been told.
Inner scars are at times harder to deal with as we all know.
I suppose many get tattoos to cover un-pretty, exterior scars, but they are not for me.
Hubby and I even road motorcycles when we were young, correction he drove them and I held on for dear life!
Nothing wrong with a tattoo just not for me. 

Well, I suppose as the saying goes we don't get these things unless we can handle them, oh really?
What choices do we have?
Kidding, but no seriously, we cannot run from our actual lives we are NOT living in movies!
Anyway, that only works with financial situations not illnesses...a thought to ponder.
No one is brave or not brave, get that, if they decide to continue in life they are just living, as we all should; another thought and truthfully what other choice do we have?
Since the other non-spoken BAD choice solves nothing and is cowardly, in my opinion.

On those harsh sharp notes, allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you all to kindly count all your blessings and share all your overages with you know whom and we will too! 

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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