Monday, October 5, 2015

In my little world

Things are calmer for me than what is going on around in the bigger world.

So I will stick to what I know best for now.
Of course if somehow I become better informed I will expose my unrequested unnecessary opinionated self to express from a more knowledgeable forefront, okay?

Now that that is out of the way I will continue with my day's experience.   

I awoke at a fairly manageable time of 7:27 A.M., sleeping in these days, since my sleep pattern is not regular by any means. I retire early evening and it appears that is when I get a nap in because I am then up for most late night TV programming thus the later awake time of 7:27 A.M. and it does only fluctuate within a fifteen minute period in either direction, oddly enough.
Today upon arising I could not go for my usual coffee with Stevia, due to my fasting blood work that was to be done as soon as I was ready to go as well as Hubby would be, my ride.
Fortunately, the Vampira station is less than two miles from here. 
She applied the tourniquet to my upper right arm as she spoke to me. And as calming as I could I said please use my other arm that one I burned. She finally actually looked at my arm and stated I should have told her. WHAT? It is obvious! (I thought in my head, but did not actually articulate.)
Any-who, I noticed on the paper that I was handed from the woman up front that it had a zero with a line through it, I supposed the meaning that there was no order for my blood work?I said I had called Friday only to find out if it had to be a fasting blood work, and they checked and said yes; baffling.
I asked then why was she taking my blood without an order?
She said that it would be afterwards up to the doctor to decide what they would do with the blood test-wise, huh?
I have been going to my internist for a couple of years now, she treats my blood pressure, thyroid and pre-diabetes and her testing of my blood is usually every three months, with it being taken the week before my scheduled appointment to see her. 
That's why I know the drill.
It is true that they have several offices throughout our county and I called over where her office is not at this particular blood work center, which is also theirs.
So I called the other number to verify and sure enough I was right, but apparently they had not yet sent the order over to the place I was getting the blood drawn.
And so they said that they would, meanwhile I had the Vampira take my ruby liquid from my left arm.
She also felt that my doc might need my golden fluid as well, and so I complied.
Who knows, not leaving any questions that would be unanswered to me is always better than having to redo or do.  
Heaven knows I currently have plenty of those to spare. 

So, I came home with Hubby after a short stop at our Publix grocery for lunch items and an even exchange of a non-grocery item.

By just before ten A.M. we arrived home.
We both ate, Hubby had cereal, and for mine I chose a tiny light chunky peanut butter and sugar free grape jelly on tiny rye bread ends sandwich that I made from the bakery bread we always get.
After that I was able to pay some recent co-pay doctor bills and get one small load of wash done.

Hubby mowed the lawn and made both lunch and dinner.
Although, lunch was leftover meatball subs from my spaghetti and meatballs from last night, but with fries and cucumber salad minus the pasta.
Dinner was Tilapia with reheated baked potatoes from two nights ago, we always make extra whenever we barbecue or
bake in the oven, those were with chicken that night, also the salad I had made for that meatballs and spaghetti meal the last night, got that?

On that TMI note, my usual, allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and I will also ask you all to kindly count all your blessings and share all your overages with you know whom and we will too!  

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!


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