Friday, October 2, 2015

Insult to injury!

Three days a week I have to give myself an injection with my Multiple Sclerosis medication. I was so happy when the FDA passed the newer formula that is now 40 mg. given three times a week instead of the old formula of 20 mg. daily, yep seven days a week, that's right every darn day!
Started taking the newer formula last March a month after the FDA ok'ed it.
So as you may have guessed my three days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  
So today was another one of those automatic days to inject, and the way you give it is liked doing the Macarena, although you do not inject medication into your head, just each upper arm, tummy, each hip and each thigh, all alternating at one site 3X a week, and never the same place in a row, always changing the location according to the last spot, got it?
Don't worry they send a book with diagrams to keep track. 
Any-who, today, now you must realize I have been giving these injections to myself since 2010, but today I must have hit the muscle in my upper right arm and right away I knew I goofed.
Fortunately, I have ice packs, the soft kind they supply you with kept in the freezer for any reason, mostly these days for my legs and head and back, but now my arm.
Foolishly, I was in so much pain and Hubby was outside cleaning the fish pond, yep he took all the fish out and got in the muck with scoops etc to get all the plant sludge out.
So I just applied that little ice pack directly to the pain center, which was now going through my upper arm into my arm pit and so I stuck it under my arm and that worked out well since now I didn't have to hold it with my other hand, it fit nicely and held well.
So well I left it there a bit too long without a towel over it...and so now I am also suffering from a slight ice burn as well.
Good news I Googled what to do for it and I did what it said to do:
And it did seem to work.
I took a wet wash cloth and placed it in a Zip-loc bag microwaved for twenty seconds instead of thirty wrapped in a towel and applied it accordingly. I think it helped but I still have some marks on my arm that look nasty but no other marks or inflammation. 
Good night to all.

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