Thursday, October 1, 2015

Days come and days go as sure as the day is long...

...that is in summer here, in this hemisphere, a long day, and the why I am mentioning it is because another bad one has been had by me for me.

Same song, different day.
Head, back, legs, stomach all uncooperative and in significant pain, numbness, burning or nausea, yep my tummy again even after both meds for it were ingested.
I suppose nothing is going to help anymore.
The mystery of the low grade fever I do believe has been resolved though.
According to what I have been able to glean from the net and chat rooms is that Multiple Sclerosis being an inflammatory disease will cause a low-grade fever before during and after some exacerbation. But I have had other ones and do not recall a low grade fever and mine, fever, has been for several months and daily in the afternoon...oh well...?
Next week I go for more blood work for my GP who I will be seeing the following week.
I thought when in August I had blood work that showed an infection and I was put on ten days of an antibiotic it would have been over and done with, but I guess not...mysterious.

And then when my small squamous cell carcinoma skin cancer was removed this summer then I thought it was done and gone, but it wasn't, even after my sinus surgery several weeks ago that too I thought would solve this problem but here I lie again with on top of all those sore body parts I mentioned above my temperature is 99.4 again! And this still happens daily,I just want to know why and what is causing it, it's crazy and makes me more miserable?

Good night, please forgive.
But I am trying to figure it all out.

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