Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Ups and downs

Hurricane Joaquin is not coming here to Florida. (an up)
But Hurricane Joaquin is heading towards my old stomping grounds in New Jersey! ( a down)

Famous Bald Eagle, of Ozzie and Harriet Internet fame, in Lee County Florida died today at the young age of only twenty, half his life expectancy. (another down)
The (up part) is his Harriet will be taken care of by his stand-in younger Bald Eagle who took it upon himself to be there for her while Ozzie was away getting better from his first accident; this was his second or was it. (Geez folks don't be mad at me it is what it is.)

Simply put: life is a crap-shoot and every day is a new beginning or old replay or bad day at times or a heck of terrific experience or adventure or what you make of it as long as no one throws a wrench in it...yep ups and downs.
Funny thing is somehow we all survive except sadly some  Ozzies, but most do live to fight another day and if not you won't care anyway, true? 

In a way we are all Ozzie, we live we love and fight for whats ours and then we die; the end.

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Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel!

Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel! : ...Sorry about that! But where can we go from here? Talk about the election by not talking ...