Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Necrosis is not uncommon in Multiple Sclerosis

Many of us are prescribed IV steroids for optic neuritis and exacerbation. I myself have been dosed five times since 2009, and yet I was first told of this horrible side affect just this last time after all was said and done with my August optic neuritis need for the IVs again, now I wonder perhaps not.  (the ophthalmologist did state that my optic nerve, which is damaged, but only thirty per cent would have been much worse without the iv intervention though), a tough call I suppose, one of those damned if you do and damned if you don't... My heavily normal dosing was typical of 1000 mg IV solumedrol each day, a heavy duty steroid, for me only/just three days, but many people are dosed for five.
Perhaps the fact I am already on other medications has protected me slightly, but bone necrosis can be insidious and cause bone breakage and of course the name itself means death of the bone and has been a major cause for the need of joint replacement when this occurs, usually on the hips bi-laterally.
I have had many an X-ray and MRI of my body, even the nuke test of last year and also a bone density this past June and any of those would have been able to tell if my bones have this dangerous devastating bone disease with MRI's being the most telling as well as that nuke test.
But I do wonder with my current thighs being constantly numb and burning, and I do have already seven types of arthritis too, out of the more than one hundred types, goto to learn more: arthritis.org . In my spine (spondylosis), shoulders (bursitis), neck(cervical stenosis), elbows(golfers elbow/ulnar nerve impingement) and hands( basilar joint arthritis), hips(osteopenia) all different kinds, not to mention Fibromyalgia that is systemic. 

The only reason that I mentioned those above is due to the fact my bones are already compromised.
Concern is realistic, but since my tests were all done before this last dose; I wonder how many before it happens to me? 

I am writing tonight with another head clonking hitting my head on the desk when trying to see why we were off line once again, checking those wires while Hubby was busy working in the garage.
What I can't understand is why I cannot seem to get the spacial thing right, since I do this way too often, that is clonk my head. And over the years I have had way too many concussions, which to all of you may explain a  lot.  

PS Pope Francis was a warm wonderful choice for the Catholic church and many Americans I am more than sure will remember his visit forever in their lives; and he is what we call a Mench.

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Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel!

Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel! : ...Sorry about that! But where can we go from here? Talk about the election by not talking ...