Monday, September 28, 2015

What's up with people deleting posts on my own FB page?

Shocking! Who thinks that they have that right?
I am the one who posted those fun, funny meaningless tests on my own timeline!
Please people respect others' right to do that.
As my physical body diminishes its ability it feels good to be able to do those silly tests they give me false hope of intellect in my minuscule brain that I never had before.
No, I was/am just a slightly above average IQ person, no genius.
So coming out with amazing results, even in non-purposeful games of chancing my mental flex-abilities to be way above average makes me feel pretty darn good! I need that to ward off many days of depression. 
For shame whomever did this deplorable deed of no use to anyone's self confidence than my own or perhaps yours if you too succeeded as well as I had........Ah, methinks the reasoning behind the malicious devious loathsome behavior of tampering with another's posting... You took the tests and failed terribly! AHA!
That has to be the only explanation, hmm?
For awful shame and undesirable ways of thinking for you and me.
You felt that I was bragging and being uncouthful, than that makes sense in a mean non-understanding way.

Do you even know me?
I don't think so.   

All in all I have just accomplished nothing.
But it does make me sad when people do these things. 
Good night.

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Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel!

Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel! : ...Sorry about that! But where can we go from here? Talk about the election by not talking ...