Sunday, September 27, 2015

Where have all the fall TV shows gone?

All the Fall TV shows gone

Where have all the fall TV shows gone, long time passing?
Where have all the fall TV shows gone, long time ago?
Where have all the fall TV shows gone?
Young novices have picked them everyone.
Oh, when will they ever learn?
Oh, when will they ever learn?

Where have all the young novices gone, long time passing?
Where have all the young novices gone, long time ago?
Where have all the young novices gone?
Gone for higher education everyone.
Oh, then they will learn.
Oh, then they will learn.

Where have all the pro bonos gone, long time passing?
Where have all the pro bonos gone, long time ago?
Where have all the pro bonos gone?
Gone for monetary reimbursements everyone.
Oh, when will they ever learn? They have.
Oh, when will they ever learn?They have.

More money with old show stars will continue for a very short time, time passing.... soon they will all learn and be gone.

Where have all the people gone switching to other TV shows on cable channels I suspect; soon we will all learn that some FOX and PBS are still free with quality programming and that is where some shows have remained...TA DA! 

Just a little ditty off the cuff, thanks Peter Paul and Mary!

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Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel!

Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel! : ...Sorry about that! But where can we go from here? Talk about the election by not talking ...