Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Life is never easy...bud, dump bum...

Who in their right mind would think otherwise? That was supposed to be rhetorical, but who am I to argue with word/grammar checker, since they rarely get it right anyway… and made me put the question mark. But here’s a question for you, am I in my right mind? To quote a pro in the comedy field, Joy Behar, “who knows who cares?” BIG SMILE HERE; since once again that was rhetorical. No, have you ever wondered that about yourself? Supposedly, the determining factor is continuing to do the same thing over and over again and still get the same wrong results/answer, hmm? That is the definition of CRAZY! All day, or I should say the better part of my day was spent on the phone, and not with friends and family like in those sweet commercials that should be beginning real soon, tis the season and all, any-who… I was doing the work that I thought I would have secured by my new insurance company that gets a monthly stipend of my old age income…You see, I had to check to see if the internist I chose from their online lists were still a part of their NETWORK…according to them they can leave at anytime, that is before the net has time to tell us poor souls that when we do all the necessary fact checking like if they really went to medical school and if it was in a country that I could pronounce, things like that… and oh yeah, my new internal doc was written up by past patients on a site called vitals where people score their office visits; that she was not so nice, short tempered, no bedside manner, took 25 minutes to see them and could not remember what they told her and that she was unsympathetic about their ills…Geez, and to think I chose her since she went to medical school in the northeast! While her colleague that I wanted to see, but wasn’t going to be in for a while, also educated here in the US, got raved reviews…It’s gotta be me and I can hear you all screaming, loud and clear, IT SURE IS! My next assignment after calling back the office since I did get some insight into what might go on once I get there I spent my time wisely composing questions in my Word program and printed out and then printing out recent medical information I had, like my MRI and flu shot confirmation from October and then all my current medications, including allergies and sensitivities and my surgeries list, and to think we pay them! The latter part of the day was a realization of after reading the online comments about my doctor to find out that she also demands lots of tests, blood work kind. It’s been since May since I had any thyroid blood work and so I called the office back to ask if they also, since they do lab work there use my insurance…Well, they take blood there, but they send it out to two labs and so I called the one I had been going to and yes, they are with my new insurance, whew! But for the heck of it I called the other and they said nope. I have had this insurance signed sealed and delivered as of the first of this month, but until the last two nights I didn’t figure out where I should go first until my body told me. I have been again having a hard time sleeping and this time I am having that pressurized headache, might be sinuses, relived somewhat with my soft cervical collar, but I am also feeling swollen glands on that side of my throat, the left and a choking feeling, could be my thyroid, and so… it all screamed to me the need for a doctor in internal medicine! I have been dizzier; if that’s at all possible, since I have already been diagnosed with Ataxia way back in 2006…nausea too. Too many problems for one specific doc and so that is how I decided… I sure hope I made the right decision. My co-pay is only $25 and so at least it won’t cost me an arm and a leg, hmm? Moving on… Remember my glitch with the DSL? Well, it had again become a problem yesterday, playing peek-a-boo with on and off for hours at a time and so I called and they said they would be here tomorrow, meaning today. Fortunately, we had a window where it was in its 'on mode' and I was able to write my blog last night…my blood, my reason for feeling like I still can do something… although the quality is in the eye of the beholder...like so many other things, true? The last call, last night said they would bring us a new modem and sure enough today a young woman did and it is high tech, sleek and a shiny black model, apparently ours was an out-dated and obsolete model, no wonder it didn’t work! Now we are good. And on that note of positivity, allow me to be the first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you kindly to count all your blessings and share all your overages and we will too! And next time please be here or be square, ya hear? PS If any friends, past or present or family of the same status, alive though I mean... are in the northeast, in the disaster area, please give us sign that all is well with you…PLEASE! OK dead could be interesting, Nah...scary! And I suppose that just answered my first question of the night.

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