Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Thank you for listening...

Do any of you get mail, phone calls, emails sent to you from the political parties? I know that should have been a rhetorical question with a period at the end… Well, I have personally taken the idea a step further and have given them all a piece of my mind, by responding to at the minimum their continuous emails oh and I suppose also to those endless phone calls! I let them know how I feel and where I will be placing my voting responsibly, and no, it is not where you might think because I am respectful of whom they are in their other lives…yep, the ones they have while not candidates competing… Although one already has it, our guy; that is while on the world stage for the highest position to maintain it for four more years or to transfer that power to another guy, in charge of our homeland… The title thank you is for the Pres. Since we appear to be on a first name basis me, Michelle and Joe too, oh why you ask? I know you really didn’t but I will tell you anyway and that is because they call me by my first name every-time they email me, several times daily! And so I do on occasions write back to them with words of encouragement or explanations why I cannot or will not give them monetary support but I do give them plenty of moral support with my comments of love and cheering from the sidelines! And that is why I was happy to see that Barack listened to me on how he handled himself last night with his super powers back intact. You see that every few emails I receive from them I write back to them with my little messages of positivity, and I receive a thank you note/email saying that they received it and were very pleased by that…how else would I be so sure that Barack knew that what I told him to do would help him last night in the second debate or town hall meeting…did you feel what I felt? I sort of felt that the 82 questioners were short changed with not all or very many questions fitting in to be asked? And how the two men went off on tangents in different directions far a field from the original questions? It could be just me. Really, did any of you think that we would be riveted to that for ninety minutes like we were? The CNN moderator, Candy Crowley, was just right, besides being a seasoned journalist, being a mother can’t hurt and she was both. Again the results are showing different winners, Barack won in quite a few and Mitt in a couple, but many had it a draw. The main thing is that Barack is BACK! And on that note of not so impartiality… allow me to be the first to wish you all a very happy good night and ask you all kindly to count all your blessings and we will too! And next time please be here or be square, ya hear! PS I forgot to tell you what I do about all those phone calls that have stopped, well, I tell them that I am voting for their candidate and to take me off their phone call list. And they did stop, but oddly enough the opposing candidate’s callers called once and Hubby happened to answer and all he said was, “not interested” and you know what? No more calls from them either.

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Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel!

Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel! : ...Sorry about that! But where can we go from here? Talk about the election by not talking ...