Thursday, October 18, 2012

Knowing with whom you are dealing with could be...

Resumes are supposed to be given when a person applies for a job/position in the world of the work arena. In the old days we had pages and pages of all of our abilities, education and areas of expertise written. The theory being not leaving any stones unturned for being able to attack a new job from any angle; much too long this way and most prospective employers would toss them into that circular file on the floor of their office. Then the “people” who know such things told us, the ones endeavoring on to find new careers to chose only items that were position appropriate meaning that which had to do with the job’s description that would be attributes in acquiring said position and elaborating only on our positive personality’s qualities to fill the job. This too was way too long and many possible bosses would also shred these and say next! I do believe though over the last several years the proper way to ascertain a place to hang our metaphoric hat for a daily location to work hard to pay our bills…that ONE page is what many have been told to supply and this time the reasoning is that there are so many out there trying for the same jobs that importance of your accomplishments that make you the one and only one they would be considered to be an asset to them and to help you get back into the workforce can be accomplished in a thousand words or much less, perhaps only five hundred! Boy, I am sure glad that I am retired… since that would definitely be difficult for me! The logic in stating all this blah, blah, blah, etc… is my reconsideration of the way we choose the person for the highest position in the land, some say the world… and by now you all must know…OUR PRESIDENCY, in the GREAT U S of A! My question to all of you is why can’t we just have them post their resumes on Facebook or some other social media where we are anyway, with appropriate abilities in areas that need to be utilized for the job and if they have a short fuse in dealing with people or stressful situations, and of course their closest to them people would also have to provide us with that info as well, spouses, kids, possible VP candidates? (PS today Ann Romney confided to the women of 'The View' that her sons call her in to calm her husband's stress issues, he vents at her? I don’t know not verbatim, but something like that… CYA here!) Then we could have them all fingerprinted to make sure that they don’t have any outstanding warrants or such… overdue bills, or things like, I don’t know… let’s say… causing others in their previous businesses of becoming despondent due to losing their jobs because of them…stuff like that, you know the usual? Why not, I ask all of you? Of course the usual medical tests for everyone too, as we all know that we don’t want to pay for any freeloaders thinking the job will take care of all that… And if they still have living parents, check to see if they are gouging the government taking their Social Security payments or if they are on Medicare, we, as taxpayers, don’t need any of those additional expenses with the way our national debt keeps climbing, ya know? On that concept, of my personal suggestion to ponder and I do suppose that it is too late for this election, but it could be initiated by 2016 or 2020, there you go; 20/20, perceptually a realistically better idea, hmm? I like it! Allow me now to be the first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you kindly to count all your blessings and to share all your overages and we will too! And next time please be here or be square, ya hear? I SURE HOPE SO!

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Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel!

Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel! : ...Sorry about that! But where can we go from here? Talk about the election by not talking ...