Friday, October 19, 2012

All done…

The process was painless and it felt good to have been completed. Timing is everything; especially when it is of the essence. Many of our persuasion and of a certain age know the importance of the involvement in the process. Some take the responsibility for granted, but not us. You see, we feel that we count and know that our decisions are relevant. Not many can say that in other areas of the world, but we know this to be a fact here. Now if you've been wondering what the heck I am speaking of, allow me to educate you in the power of diversion and doubletalk and the joy of beating around the bush. Why I have been speaking of the process of voting in the United States being a citizen, thus persuasion, and by people over 18 years old, thus the certain age, and in our case by absentee ballot and I am proud to say that Hubby and I have completed the process since ours was mailed in yesterday afternoon. Were you confused? Were you thinking that I was talking about something completely different? Or perhaps, you know me well enough to have figured it out and that on occasion I like to play games with you and have you wonder what she might have up her sleeve. Sometimes it's so much fun to play with words and ideas, don't you think so too? Moving on…(Thankfully, I hear you saying) I am going to call this section of my tonight’s offering," the incident". A few days ago when Hubby went to the store without me; early, about a half an hour later while I was sitting at this computer there was a banging noise, harsh and loud on our front door, as if the party was having an emergency. But since it was still late morning I was still in my nighty. I didn't want to answer the door in my nighty and so I snuck into the bedroom to put on my bathrobe and came back to the big picture window to look out to see who was there and I didn't recognize the person. It was a man with glasses and a hat on and he looked agitated and I must've been a sight since I had my cervical collar on and stood with my walker with my tousled hair, since I don't unzip it, that is my bathrobe to put it on up over my head as quickly as I did, thus as the results of my glance in the mirror after frightened me. He asked me one question and one question only, “is your husband home,” I shook my head, no. He went away and I thought hard afterwards perhaps he was our neighbor, the new one across the canal that I met only once last spring. I did mention it to Hubby when he returned home that day and he felt it was unnecessary to be concerned with it, since the man never came back we weren't really sure who it was… But me being me I still wonder to this day, why didn't he ring the doorbell that we have and why did he smash the door as if it was such a big emergency and why not just call 911, if it was? Did he think that my Hubby could resolve his issues and why couldn't he report to me what was so important? Maybe it was the crazy woman look I had, a bit mysterious about him, although, Hubby has seen the man from across the canal since and he has never said anything to Hubby about anything. It's one of those things that men do in trying never to rock the boat while being in the neighborhood I suspect, don't make waves and all that rubbish. But we all know me and if I ever do venture out with the cooler temperatures coming this weekend I may find the time and inclination to question the gentleman if he meets the description of the man at the door, “the incident” still unresolved, curious-er… What would you have done? Well, I hate to end this great time we had together tonight, but as we all know it’s the time for me to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you all kindly to count all of your blessing and share all of your overages and we will too! And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel!

Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel! : ...Sorry about that! But where can we go from here? Talk about the election by not talking ...