Saturday, October 20, 2012

Let's make this perfectly clear…

While telling my little story about, “the incident”, yesterday, you know the one about the man knocking on the door. I left out some important information that more than likely that day I was already very sick and I was periodically coming over to here to check e-mails and messages etc. and so that is mostly why I was so disheveled not expecting anyone at the door. And to be fair, Hubby was gone for only about an hour and felt confident that I would be okay as long as I didn't do anything dangerous like getting into the tub and so I swore to him that I would wait until he came home and that is why I was still in my nighty. You know, that sometimes I don't have total recall; amazing and I thought I had such a good memory… Maybe just for things that happened long ago, not that recently. And I just wanted to clarify why I was not rip-roaring to go, although most days these days unless we have the destination for the day picked out I do have a bit of a more of a lazy bones attitude than I ever did before. When I first became a lady of leisure, a bum to some, it was my intention to get up at a normal hour and for me that's around 6 AM and begin my day… But as the years have marched on my realization of my illness and my days not needing me to be so rambunctious or robust every day and that is why my lazy days are splattering more frequently throughout the month. That's not to say if we have that scheduled event or occurrence that I will not be ready on time; for I like to pride myself on always being right on time, and I have always been when required to be. This may seem like filling this space with words that are unimportant to the masses. I beg to differ with all of you, since you see time wasting is as much of an art as time utilization. Some of us who while working, worked long, long hours; have taken years to learn the gentle art of relaxing. Now to many, like fine wine, doing things just right and timely is what we all strive for, but sometimes other things intervene without knowledge aforethought. And so we go with the flow and although many of us fight the inclination to slow down and realize that we have no choice, on occasion. This is not our fault. The reasoning of explaining myself is to most any trained ear or psychologist is the guilt that I have about not being ready to go anywhere if necessary at a drop of a hat, since not being attired appropriately; my bad, but not guilty enough to reconsider my bad habits that I have lately acquired. Most people when they get a day off from work they enjoy taking it easy, relaxing, and reading the paper being in their jammies; which is totally normal, when you've worked hard all week, and there is the rub... To be deserving of that choice to be a temporary bum with knowledge that once the weekend is over you will be back in the rat race paying your dues. It's difficult decompressing your life when it was always so busy at times you wish you could pull your hair out, but of course you never really want to. It's more than the empty-nest syndrome that all parents go through, because ours happened ages ago; I suppose it's the just two of us syndrome. Smaller spaces causing less work with fewer mouths to feed, time can stand still and clocks appear to be broken. But not days when plans are in action or some things are happening, or mundane things need attention, or concept DIY projects or crafts are in the works, or important things to do too or visitors have made arrangements to visit; never on those days. We awaken with the need to be needed and attend to the job at hand with much desire for completion as if we had a deadline. Oh joy, the need to be needed, is there anything better than that? Of course not. Any who, I thought I would just give you all a heads up about my newest venture into blog-dom I have as of this morning launched a raunchy silly additional weekly blog for anyone who has any questions about life and love and family and wants to know what not to do and I call it respectfully: “Dear Tovah!” Please feel free to read my weekly alter-ego of decidedly non-squeamish persona with absolutely no concerns of topics being chosen by anyone to ask questions. And I surely hope you will. The way you can do it is in the comments area or on my postings on Facebook. Hoping to hear from you and I do aim to please with humorous and inaccurate flamboyant corrosive industrious… Wait, what were we talking about? Oh that's right, Tovah, which as you all know means in Hebrew ‘good girl’, will be a bit naughty. So stay tuned and hold on to your undies! Well, she is still me… On that what-have-you of making life as easy as: one, two three just for you and me and the doorknob, whatever that means…allow me to be the first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you all kindly to count all your blessings and share all your overages and we will too! And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

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Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel!

Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel! : ...Sorry about that! But where can we go from here? Talk about the election by not talking ...