Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Still not good yet...

My dizziness is back; it had left for a bit, but my numbness is more severe with causing the sock feeling on my feet, legs and hips and my hips are also bad with pain when I try to stand and my head gets weird worse with pain/pressure on top without my soft cervical collar. I believe it all started the night before I had a severe neck spasm that went into my ear; I have had this once before the neck thingy that is. I think that spasm is why my neck from the cervical stenosis is now worse, quite a jolt... Any ideas would be most helpful, standing is not working out too well with my pain and numbness and I have my cervical collar on now... Was about to go to spinlife to check on pricing wheel chairs and found one at a good price, but it turns out that National MS Society has loaners and even with the additional income we come in meeting their criteria and since my left eye is also seeing more floaters and vision is going double periodically and blurry too and as you know righty is already legally blind... my own steering of land vehicles is iffy… Not a happy camper...if you can think of anything I would love to hear back, neuro says all due to MS. TTYL Pals!

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Speaking My Mind: Back to voting...!

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