Saturday, February 9, 2019


I posted an older blog of mine that has been read over five thousand times, and today some more!
Oh what a feeling! Here's the link: It is also at the bottom of this page!

Yesterday I posted my swollen body parts that with being indoors and in bed most of today I am thankfully swelling free!

Last night I took my glucose too, only because I felt no other way to put it, but really crappy!
And was upset to see I was correct, there was a reason besides all the swelling, my glucose was up to 225, and no I am not a diabetic only when on IV steroids for MS and the last time I was on them that was nearly three months ago! I had gone down to a nice normal 82 just last month on my fasting blood work!
What's going on?
So this morning I checked again and it was 109 before eating anything, a first in the morning should be under 100 to not be diabetic, worried.
After breakfast two hours, at eleven A.M. taken again, 127, not too bad over 140 is bad after meals, and so I thought good!
FOOL as I was to believe all was well, not to be after lunch though... although, three and half hours after it again was past normal at 187, not hospital worthy either, over 300 is goto hospital, but not normal nor good.
In November on IV Solumedrol it was 374, and so I had to go since that internist, Dr. Luis Casanova  had not come through with insulin as my other doctors had!
If it.s still fluey on Monday or for some reason goes too, too high I do know that over 300 is the number to be concerned without any insulin in house, last time they had to give me an IV of insulin!
As my kidney GFR also plummeted to 32, Stage 3B CKD, chronic kidney disease just above needing dialysis! All due to not providing a less than seven dollar vial of insulin and causing me to have to use my insurance to pay the nearly eight thousand dollar bill!
Hate to have to do that again!
Status report.

Happy good night all!

Count your blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

1 comment:

Ken said...


Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel!

Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel! : ...Sorry about that! But where can we go from here? Talk about the election by not talking ...