Sunday, February 10, 2019

To all my friends that suffer politely in silence...

I am that impolite embarrassment for everyone, due to me not liking to be told to be nice and SHUT UP!
You did not ask for any of this.
But many feel that not discussing medical ills out loud is better for being out in the world, oh I love this yourself another option for discussion...huh...WHAT?

Has my generation of Baby Boomers turned into their sweet butter wouldn't melt in her mouth previous generation of our fearful to speak out parents?! Oh Puleeez, DO NOT RETROGRESS my wonderful upfront honest people who have said how it really truly is and are responsible for so many injustices being righted. And these days as we all watch the horror show of our so-called authority figure change everything because he's having a BAD DAY and is POWER HUNGRY, yes, I am speaking about this mistake in the WHITE HOUSE, Pres. DJ! And that is the only job as a DJ he should have  as of January 20.2021, in some Podunk town that we barely know so he can give out his leftover MAGA hats to its population that is all who will be loving him then! Narcissistic misery!

Enough already! For now anyway.

Moving onto why I am really here tonight to discuss and that is as we all know is to be able to, SPEAK YOUR MIND too as well as if I am doing any better!

Most of what I write is relatable to others that are dealing with Multiple Sclerosis and might have their voices squelched too?

Just ate an old but updated recipe of a standard 1970s meal, Tuna Noodle Casserole, but not made with Kraft macaroni and cheese although you can. Although saying yes, to small sized ones of macaroni elbows, option of whole grain here instead, with our own that gives us portion control of this old school comfort food, but homemade cheese sauce, is so easy so why not just do it! Make your usual roux and a little brown butter and then add milk, we add fat free and whatever deli sliced cheese you have; the more interesting blends Jack cheese and cheddar and mozzarella can work too, making the more interesting sauces. Tonight we had our standard American and Swiss; they blend well and the Swiss gives it all a little tang, and then we still use Campbell's mushroom soup, but their Healthy Choice one, and for us forever frozen mixed vegetables. The only parts that can be cooked before its all mixed together are the noodles although some do not do that ahead either, and of course the cheese sauce for smoothness, add one can of  your favorite tuna drained and flaked; top with Panko and Parmesan Romano sprinkle cheese and finish cooking in a 350 degree pre heated oven for anywhere from 20 to thirty minutes, watch it bubble! Brown the top under the broiler for about two minutes, watch it! Serve and enjoy an old faithful made a little bit healthier, hmm... it's so good!

I got side tracked, and I bet all of you are happy!

Not so fast!

Status report:

My eyes make this at one time hour a night self obsessed unpaid job of mine, I know, who would have thunk that I wasted that much time on this drivel, but I did.
Although, now it takes nearly twice as long and sometimes even longer than that to say just as much on a good night!
More challenging with my dancing fingers, tremor, and thrill seeking eyes due to their jumping from side to side, Nystagmus!
I found the more tired I am the worse I get, and frustrating since both additional additives to my SPMS are the cause for my inability to sleep or rest! And yes, I am tired, I fall asleep when sitting in a seat or up in my bed, and that is scary during daylight hours while streaming shows on my idea pad!
According to my CPAP I got just four hours of sleep last night, although some nights it reports that I have gotten as much as nine, but it never seems to be enough and when you dance in your sleep, it's just plain WEIRD and exhausting even more!

Oh and that thing that we MS people do have in common often is walking as if drunk without the benefit of alcohol, its a balance issue called, Ataxia, anyway that is happening all day long! If I attempt to walk thankfully my walker is handy! Not just my paresthesia and muscular syncope causing my inability to get from point A to point B just inside my smaller cottage home!

Any-who, enough about me! HA, ha, ha!

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

1 comment: said...


Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel!

Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel! : ...Sorry about that! But where can we go from here? Talk about the election by not talking ...