Tuesday, December 4, 2018

This is the last hoorah for my ASUS!

Yes, this notebook has been dropped way too many times!
And miraculously it has survived more years than is natural in techno world!
So its plug in space hole is missing what keeps the cord attached and can no longer be refueled!

This is late due to my Thoracic Radiofrequency Ablation scheduled for 1:30 P.M. not getting the procedure done till 4:P.M., out of recovery by five, and from the Pain Center to Best Buys to pick up  a new notebook, but when we got home Hubby fired it up and its NOT A TOUCH SCREEN!
It will probably be going back tomorrow.
Meanwhile this oldie with a not so great past, I will go into more details once we get the/a new one settled.
This current one has about an hour and a half left, since it cannot be re-fired.
Not literally, that could have been the cause, but no it was its age beyond most... and my significant tossing due to my inability to hold on to most things!

So ASUS and I bid you night, night for tonight and forever for it, not me. Perhaps, in my concern for arriving home sooner rather than later I forgot to tell the computer guy that not only did I want his finest reasonably priced notebook, but I had wanted a touch screen too! I suppose I left that part out?

Oh well.

Wish me luck.

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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