Sunday, August 5, 2018

Geez, Mr. President spread the tolerance.

Just the other day I posted an article from a legitimate news agency, and most people's comments were positive and civilized, but one person cursed at me with two well known expletives and then he called me what I suppose he thought was another negative comment a, "liberal", well sir you are sooooooo very right, I am definitely a LIBERAL and proud of it! Now that feels better, since I did not have a chance to tell him because he unfriended me before I could unfriend him... Yup that is what all this has come to. Here's the offending article, you decide:


Moving on...

Today was another one of those days...where you don't leave the comfort of your space unless all hell breaks loose! And why would you when you do have temperature controlled physical solace place. Outdoor temperature below on the left of 98 F and humidity of 54% with feels like temp below that of 110 F YUCK, ungodly, but on the right an indoor temperature of 76 F with 53% humidity, comfortable!

My home is clean and the laundry is all caught up, binge watching on Netflix complete with all the new episodes of shows that I enjoy!
Cabin fever I can see on my not too distant horizon.

Happy good night all!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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