Thursday, August 3, 2017

MS Hugs on left side.

Multiple Sclerosis gives people sensory issues, numbness, tingling, burning, ripping and squeezing, AKA as hugs.
Usually, the difference between MS and heart left sided pain is the fact that MS is usually bi-lateral and heart attacks as well as strokes are on only on one side.
So when from my left side of my neck, and left side of my shoulder and under the breast on the left side started squeezing in waves, sort of regular as if in labor but there, not in my belly... what resonated in my ear was how my chronic care nurses would say due to my age and obesity to go to the ER to be checked out and so we did!
They did all the right things there and found my heart, oh they actually found it fine and healthy I meant to say, ha!
I started to smile when the hugs began to be bi-lateral, no they did not feel good, but being on both sides was reassuring my heart was fine.
Hubby took a loud stand when we arrived there telling them no medications unless he approves of them; his husbandly concerns were from a year and half ago when they overdosed me on a morphine concoction combined with other drugs, they actually flat lined me, but as you all know they also brought me back! Here I am! Sadly that was my third time that had happened, but my first time there.
So ask me what's on the other side?
Kidding, apparently, I wasn't there long enough, ha!
Thus Hubby's logical angry standing up for me, his wife.
And so they did treat me cautiously and felt I was deemed well enough to go home with a mild prescription for Decadron, a mild corticosteroid.
This morning I had my new neuro's appointment.
Saw her PA, Lynn, and she said that I did not need that, but called in a medication for sleep.
True I am rather a night owl, not by choice though.
Pain and worries do keep me up.
I just found out that my GFR was actually taken in the hospital the day of my sleeve surgery and it was 49.6, and I was confused if the doctor knew I was in stage three renal failure was it advantageous to do the surgery? And if he did know why continue with the high protein diet that was contraindicated  for CKD, chronic kidney disease?
So many questions and the reason I suppose of my worries.
And why wasn't my last neuro informed of my CKD before allowing dye for my MRIs this past April?
Also contraindicated for CKD?
Yep, I guess I am worried.
And that can cause exacerbation of any disease, and difficulty in sleeping too.
But I believe rightfully so.
What happened to first do no harm?
The Hippocratic Oath, now it appears to stand for hypocrisy way too often in medicine.
We all went from patients to clients to customers in a way too short a time frame, maybe fifty years?
But in the bigger picture of medicine that is a blip in time, I want it fixed!
We as human beings must demand it.
Sue, sue, sue does not fix it, it makes more anger and wedges a wall between practicing medicine and worrying about paying for higher priced malpractice insurance.
We are all people here, and most of us just want superior what used to be consistently good medicine practices when the patient came first!
Honesty and care, true care for the body of the human entrusting their wellbeing literally in your hands!
Oh I don't know... I feel like saying trust no one, but then what?

All of you have a happy good night please and share what blessing you have and we will too!

 And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!


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