Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Energenic this morning!

Determined to clean and organize and repaint the under the kitchen sink cabinets inside.
Of course Hubby did much of the work, but I did empty and thin the herd of unnecessary items and redistribute a few to more logical locations.
I did wash out the bottom section utilizing our longer reacher with Lysol and water on a paper towel, and even the removable shelf I was able to clean that is the one that Hubby had made years ago.
He took that part out to the courtyard alongside the garage to paint it, and let it dry in the heat, and I also did the same by cleaning out our laundry room's broom closet floor. It too needed a dose of cleaning, organizing and repainting.
I once again have been in that mode of purging unnecessary things like carpet cleaner, since we have all tile and even marble on the guest room floor and haven't any carpeting for years!
Not even area rugs, too hazardous with my equipment, and before that they posed a trip issue.
But I do love them, although in Florida they are not that necessary, tile is cooler.
The mini project was done before lunch and the paint was dry after so all was put back in an orderly fashion.
Oh my other project was cleaning my dinette cushions.
I so love the pale blue ticking type stripes that are my summer styled ones.
As many larger washing items how I clean them might appear odd, but I wash those items in our tub with normal detergent, Clorox 2, white vinegar and baking soda, and Hubby takes them outside to our retractable clothesline and in this case tied them with their straps onto the line.
The stackable washer and dryer are nice and convenient, but do not accept king bedspread/comforters or any pillows, so the tub I no longer use since I have the roll in shower that I share with Hubby is and has been used for those larger items to get clean.
I suppose we could go to a Laundromat, but this is more convenient and cleaner in my opinion.
The tub is maintained clean, although, no longer used and anyway this also makes sure of that with the laundry soaps that I mentioned, it sparkles, especially after I rinse my wash.
The bath has still my old hand held shower head so it is easy to use for the whole process.
I do close the drain to allow the items to soak and I do slosh/agitate them around too, and today I took a finger nail brush to scrub stubborn stains on the cushions. The nail brush was from my last fall's hospital stay, my own nails are cleaned with washing my hands too often or in the shower daily, thank you very much!
The seat removed from the tub and put outside of it is the one that I used to use makes a fine staging area for me to work in the tub, since neither my walker nor my motorized wheel chair fits through this bathrooms door! Fortunately, the toilet is right inside that doorway, so accessible!
TMI, forgive?
Hubby brought in the cushions just before the rain!
Yep, we have been getting rain nearly daily, not a lot but enough to make one think that we might already be in rainy season early, why?
I will tell you why, because for the next week six out of the next seven days have rain in the forecast!

Of course, I always feel badly about my wonderful spurts of energy and guilt... oh yes guilt, why?
Because now my right hand is black and blue and I have a weird purple right ring finger, and a strange bruised inner left elbow as if I had blood taken, which I haven't had for quite some time, months actually!
My neck is hurting and I am dizzy, and I am showing signs in my skin of dehydration, it sticks together, but I am drinking/sipping my club soda.
Although, now I have in my drinking repertoire included are caffeinated coffee and decaffeinated green tea, as well as my occasional warm milk with honey and turmeric, not so often the honey is too sweet, but the concoction calls for that and I do love it, but calorically not such a good idea.
  Oh I did make dinner too, chili!
Lean ground beef, leftover from our last night's hamburgers, mine without a roll though with caramelized onions, mushrooms and jalapeños, and our homemade fries that we had frozen for just this sort of thing, believe it or not we only used half of what we had frozen, and originally we had used only three potatoes. Boy we sure are getting a lot of mileage out of those homemade!
And salad finished last night's meal, the rest of the only a pound in total raw defrosted chopped meat went into the fridge for meatballs and spaghetti or for what I decided was my chili for tonight's meal!
One can of pork and beans, one can of stewed tomatoes, sautéed onions and garlic and the rest of the meat browned, and two slices of bacon cooked and crisped in the microwave, and a decent amount of brown sugar about a half of a cup, cumin and chili powder to taste, and a few hefty dashes of Tabasco, simmered until ready!
Can go hours and hours.
This was about an hour and half.
I do love one pot dishes.
That's why I enjoy making soups, and this week I already did make homemade chicken noodle.
My aches are taking me over now, especially my shoulder on my right side.
And I am typing with two fingers again.
Not GOOD!   

Happy night to all and to all share those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

PS: My blog from two nights ago has somewhat of an addendum added into it, if you get a chance please read it, its title is, "Take Archie Bunker, please!" I did not know about Tim Allen's controversial commentary prior to my publishing that night. 

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