Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Interesting word in my title, sort of stands alone for meanings, hmm?
Past tense of go or gone.
Merriam Webster says the definition of went to be: the past of go:
Simplicity at its finest... or not.
I wish that the Orange Frothy Haired Guy went already!

But my title tonight is personal in the sense that I did go, so I went to independent exercise once again today.
I just stayed off my hands and wrists, ha and increased the other two full body and slant board exercise equipment's' counts, like in the all over body one I did twenty-five minutes, on level five as well the setting of  mountainous, but I rested my hands on my thighs instead of holding onto the grips. On the slant board one I increased my reps from three sets of  twenty to five sets of twenty!
A decent fifty minute or there about work out!
Three days a week should help for now.

Moving on...

Hubby is remembering to water our moved plantings and replanted caladiums' bulbs, oh they are where it looks like nothing was planted under the front window, but those areas have a heavy dosing of our caladium bulbs in different color combos tossed and then dug and buried into the new beds that should be coming up over the next couple of weeks and they last for months and multiply all by themselves, just like the amaryllis around the backyard pond garden!

Hubby's next immediate, tomorrow, projects are not as elaborate as his previous ones, repainting the front wrought iron and wooden chair that was the inspiration for the house colors,; it needs a freshening, when washing it did not work too well. Anyway, another Honey-Do one is washing down the patio furniture which has endured a lot of nasty dirty dust, and Gorilla Glue one of our pink flamingo light covers from the string lights hanging in the patio area, they are alternating with green palm trees. The lights are quite old for that sort of thing that is out all year long; probably thirteen years old. So if we have to bite the bullet and find another set, I think at Fisherman's Village is where I got it all those years ago... anyway they were not that expensive. You see they match the furniture out there perfectly, from Palm Casual!
Also very Florida like with those pink flamingoes on the print on the chairs, when they are all cleaned up I will ask Hubby to take a few pictures! Not to go too too themed, but I also have two matching outdoor table cloths from Beall's that also have the tacky concept, but not really its done I think rather tastefully, and because that furniture was pretty expensive thirteen years ago, sixteen hundred dollars if I recall, for just a table and six chairs! The chairs print had to be special ordered!
For us that was expensive, but it replaced what was out there before the hurricane blew the other furniture away, part of the insurance payment that was maxed out way back then; 80K worth of damage to our home.
I used to kid at the home shows that would be the next time we would redecorate, after a hurricane, not really funny when I think about it, anyway, but we have recently due to things needing to be out of our pockets and I think that we have managed very nicely, with a new forty gallon water heater, new air-conditioning and heating system, new washer and dryer, new kitchen appliances, new sofas in the living room and TV too, as well as painting the house and taking care of the gardens, but that is yearly. All of this has been done this last year! And somehow we have survived financially, and to me that is amazing! We have money leftover at the end of the month too, a few years ago things were much different and I will never forget that difficult time. We have had ups and downs all through our lives like most everyone else I believe.

BUT, and this is a BIG BUT, when I see that the stock market has gone up in historic numbers I at first thought, well we have been out of it since the late 1980s when we had the last significant crash for us anyway and a bit of me wishes we still were taking that exciting ride, but then...I realize that  Hubby's state pension I am more than sure has some investments in it and I worry, but I thought when I saw that today instinctively I thought how the rich get richer! Not nice of me...but...
And sadly how all Pres. DJ's comrades who happen to be BILLIONAIRES are just thrilled with that market surging and continuing their obscene balances of their bottom lines...
I wonder if his appointees take a salary or if they have the decency to decline like that mensch Bloomberg did as the mayor of NYC, since he too is a BILLIONAIRE!?????

I just sometimes wonder about such things; do you?

That's it again for tonight, allow me to be the first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you all to kindly share all your blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

Closing with our little love below...yes, I took a picture of his Facebook picture for right now he is sheared from his most recent grooming, a crew cut I guess in comparison, clean and neat though.

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