Monday, February 20, 2017

Being prolific ...and this being NOT MY PRESIDENT'S DAY!

...should being prolific mean that our Orange Frothy Haired Guy count for something like him having perseverance?
Participation award?
Bland reasoning?
Content IS important with distinctive reasoning and his is convoluted, trying only should count when you succeed at proving that you did it for something significant and reasonable and truly doing one's best should mean something, but let's face it we all should be praised for winning as a BIG accomplishment, and then there is his followers, misguided as they seem to be of this so-called Pres. DJ! We can only ask why, they STILL defend him??????????????
Yes, he IS a prolific TWEETER!
Yes, he has shown his perseverance being trying on all of the rest of us, that is TRYING OUR PATIENCE!
Yes, he did compete and participate in a contest to win the grand prize/position of the presidency, but only by rigging the outcome.
Remember it was he who stated the election was rigged! No one else's suggestion; that is until he DID win, which proved he got something right.

But does that coveted prize mean he should have been rewarded with omnipotent  power to do whatever he wants to do....unequivocally the answer should be NO, since his behavior has proven him to be a dangerous personality with a hair trigger temper! Who has said he doesn't read anything because he knows more than everyone else! He has got to be kidding, but sadly, he isn't.
Oh so many that in history felt they knew too much to learn anything, and we ALL KNOW WHAT HAPPENED THEN! LET'S STOP THIS PERSON OR HISTORY COULD REPEAT ITSELF!

Trust no one with the initials DJT, or MP or ITK or KC or SB ...etc., you get the idea!

Moving way on...

You know those shutter styled sliding closet doors?
Well, we have them in our guestroom and in our bedroom, and our linen closet, and I cleaned them today, who knew that it would be such a great sweaty work out!
Oh ye of little faith and deconditioned body!
I did it, while Hubby did the real work.
He killed ants outside and pulled weeds and constructed an enclosure for our exterior water filter pipes to be hidden and blend into our front of the house, painted the same mellow yellow.
The landscaping will eventually commence, I am told, within the month or sooner, as per Hubby the contractor.
You see, the plan is to simplify the gardens by removing the edging to allow grass to grow up and into them and also removing plants that are too intrusive, while leaving the larger palm trees and plumbagoes, as well as moving the dracaenas, leaving the caladiums too, as well as the large potted planter, moving it to the center of the large picture window. Ferns will go, and so will the Mexican petunias, and no that is not a political comment!
Talk about hardy and prolific growers/multipliers, they certainly are!
No more mulch I was told, but I like mulch, but again I have given up my gardening duties for the last several years, and Hubby has totally taken over, sad, but I had no choice.
So he gets the most votes on what happens in our gardens.
The Gardenia bush will stand alone, once the dracaenas are moved and the Mexican petunias are goners, again non-political!

On that note allow me to be the very first to wish you all a very happy good night and to ask you to kindly share all your blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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