Thursday, September 24, 2015

Lessons from our vacay, with some adjustments for us and Gus

Everyone knows that eating out at medium priced restaurants (to us expensive at $20 or more for one serving, but that is what most consider medium priced these days.)and that they have a habit of over feeding their patrons and charge accordingly; well since we ate either back in our hotel room or in the van with our Gus and we were able to share our so-called single orders.Use their lids or bring your own paper goods; we never buy drinks we always have either water or coffee with us in thermoses in our cup holders in the van.
And many of those dinners were even too much for two and we ate very well, with seafood being a favorite of mine! Thankfully we had frigs and microwaves in the rooms too, a few times leftovers took care of another meal for two.

Walking is another great idea when on vacation, but we had two dilemmas to deal with, either heat or rain and mostly both at any given time, so we drove to many venues and did our sightseeing in the comfort of our fairly economical air-conditioned van, getting 32 miles to the gallon highway at times.To us this is great after trading in a vehicle that was thirteen years old that was getting nine miles to the gallon, of course we never went anywhere then. Gas prices have gone down too recently, and many places were close to two dollars a gallon, and a couple were at two dollars a gallon and one was even less in South Carolina! Now many here are that low too.

Actually, we did get out and walk in parks with Gus, our Havanese rescue dog, but still we had to make sure he was allowed; being a service in training dog he was, and that it wasn't too wet or hot; for me to use my walker.

I mentioned previously parking can be an issue in many of the historic sights mentioned, but they did have parking garages for a price, usually not too bad. But we are cheap and avoided them and looked for free street parking, which was a project in itself at times or a game; all how you look at it, hmm?

All in all we did have a memorable time and have been discussing our next adventure, perhaps New Orleans, only ten and a half drive time hours from here, two days each way at our casual non-rushing
way of travel and of course a couple of days there too!

My mind has been replaying this long overdue venture of ours and I am more than sure I will recall some more tips that I would love to share, yep here are a couple more...
 Oh, we had made reservations in dog friendly and handicap room places, which made it easier than hunting once arriving as we foolishly had been known to do when the boys were little and usually had a dog in tow also, but we were kids too and created some interesting adventures.
Going to the welcome centers upon arrival, if early enough, for maps and pamphlets can also be better for planning a daily itinerary, and asking hotel personnel or concierges for good nearby restaurants.
Out of the four hotels we stayed at three had complimentary breakfasts; another time and money saver.  

The furthest we were from the hub of any locale was only a couple of miles, so we also saved money not staying right in the midst of the action, but many of you don't mind paying for that and that is your right.
For us on a retirement income, we saved up and stayed and paid for everything even below our initial budget, but without realizing that until we came home and we still had a great time!
Thus the plan for another one, soon...!

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