Wednesday, September 23, 2015

"It aint over til its over!"

"Its like deje vu all over again!"
Ya gotta love a guy who told it as is was at any given time and made you scratch your head when he did and then agree with his odd statements, hmm? Yogi Berra died last night at age 90; fifty of his Yogi-isms are here:
 What a memorable sports figure whose logic will live on in all those words as well as his altruistic giving back.

Moving on...

Miracles are not likely in life; nothing new there, hmm?
They are a rare occurrence.
So  "It ain't over til its over." I will think, at least try hard to, now more than ever, neuro today gave me a harsh reality check once again with my MS there is NO MAGIC PILL you get worse no matter what is done and I am.Yep no cure. For the first time I am questioning my desire to keep searching for answers and medicinal relief, today I heard my inner voice saying, "why bother"...and I am starting to think that maybe I should listen to that weak small inner thought, nearly a whisper...
I had liked to think I had my depression under control with distraction, but no doctor had been so in your face harsh, nearly mean, and honest at the same time with me before.Poor me, is not an attractive look for anyone, but I suppose it doesn't matter when you have chased most people away already, who cares, really?
I have been taken to my bed whether on vacation or at home, truly nothing is changing.
I should have realized.
Did I just hide like a bird with a long neck in the sand, damn, I cannot remember what they are called, all part of this insidious disease.
Can't ask Hubby since he's in the other room and I am in bed.
Oh darn, dagnamit, Its like deje vu all over again!
But I mean it, and sadly it is NOT over til its over.
Oh yes it is! It is...not yet.
BAD DAY, please forgive.

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Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel!

Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel! : ...Sorry about that! But where can we go from here? Talk about the election by not talking ...