Monday, January 12, 2015


What if when you turned the TV on the screen was white, blank, without anything there to let us know what was going on in the world, and so were the Internet and newspapers all just blank pages, and radios were soundless; what would we as human beings think, or know or care about or be aware of or care about…all forms of media would be no longer there…

We as a human race might revert to using other forms of communication, such as smoke signals, cave drawings, even Morse code?

The point is I was wrong a while ago when I felt that that certain parts of our freedom of speech should be tempered with concern on whether or not we were misinterpreting our amendment that states all issues concerning our rights to freedom of speech.

At the time I was referring to the threat to the North Korean ruler vis a vi the movie the Interview and its content.

And yes, I thought that even in joking about killing a positional head of any government was a wee bit over the top; little did I know just how ridiculous the movie would prove to be, according to critiques not anything to do with my personal viewing of the movie, truly!

Anyhow the issue most recently of violence has caused me to reevaluate my ignorance of being a bit too cavalier with my original response, but each case is extremely so different, and this horrific incident of extremist radicals in Paris with the murdering of the people of the press for being free thinkers/speakers is obscene!

And if all forms were to be silenced my opening paragraph could be what all of us would experience.

The dark ages would resume and IGNORANCE WILL PROVE NOT TO BE BLISS!

All of us are much smarter, richer, and just more aware of the world with full access to all of it, and sadly if it all went away tomorrow we would all be lesser for it…think about it?

How many times a day do you look at the TV news, a paper, the net or whatever form of getting in the know  to know that you use daily, tragically, it would all be gone.

Mind boggling, hmm?

Sure it is.

Of course we can all tune out for hours and even days when away or on vacations, but forever?

And to be honest most cannot do even that.

Next time your net goes down or you cable/satellite or anything, communication device-wise malfunctions in your home, stop and think that.

Newspapers have been folding due to all the electronics and soon they will not have enough paper anyway to print all that they need for that.

Bills have been promoting paperless for years, without the net we wouldn’t have access to them either… the concept of a domino effect is not hard to realize to quantify the possibilities, true?

So wear those lapel pens promoting and supporting the FREEDOM OF SPEECH, since everyone has to realize the reasoning of the why…IT IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY NO IFS ANDS OR BUTS!

On that note to promote internationally wear those pens and know they are for all of us to know, allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask all of you to kindly count all your blessings and share all those overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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