Tuesday, October 8, 2013



Redundancy of the rhetoric of the SHUTDOWN continues, if they will do this, than I will do that and vice versa! So nice of the pres to keep us informed that NOTHING HAS CHANGED!
Even his most avid supporters are losing hope… not seeing an end as near as we all would like!
Talk about a Blame Game!
Dear Mr. President is willing to negotiate with the Tea Partiers-GOP most of our Congressmen, but so say they!

Methinks they are starting to lose our belief in them really caring about anything other than their own STUBBORNNESS TO CONTROL the downfall of our GOVERNMENT!

This just in via NBC-2 Ft. Myers FL news, from my living-room: OMG! The government is not paying military death benefits to the loved ones, including traveling expenses and burials, since the government shutdown on Oct 1st! But they are drafting a bill to fix this right now, thankfully!

All the furloughed want to be back at work, but still 450,000 are NOT working!
Parks are closed still and the CDC cannot follow-up on food born illness issues nationally, since they are minimally staffed.
The lists go on and on… people want to and need to work!
No work, no money.
No bills paid.

I wrote a letter to this access below and if you are a registered voter of the United States of America I suggest you let them know how you feel too! I challenge you to…

In case you do not have access to what I wrote and published to my Facebook page, here it is for your viewing: 10-08-13, after his TV speech.

“Dear Mr. President:
As all your constituents we wish for a quick and fair settlement of the shutdown and prevention of the default on the 17th. I am definitely one of the people who have and will be taking advantage of the Affordable Care Act and have already called for the proper information to be sent to me. My current PCIP insurance will be ending on 12-31-13 and having Multiple Sclerosis I absolutely need to be covered. In fact I took early social security, at age 62, in 2012 to be able to afford the premiums. Hopefully, with the subsidies that I seem to meet the criteria for, I will have much better coverage in a less deductible form. I am currently in need of hand surgery but cannot afford the more than four thousand dollars out of pocket to have it taken care of at this time. With 'Obamacare' filling my gap between being on Medicare a year and half later hopefully I will not incur more debt due to my illness which has been paid off to date and I am proud of that, since for six years prior I had no insurance at all...until PCIP in 11-1-12 kicked in. Now I face finding another policy. But the fact that our social security is now also in jeopardy is frightening to me and my husband, it is more than half of our income... I took this info from Reuters about Social Security and your ability to prevent it from not being paid; all I want to know is this correct?

And please do all that you can to end these non-useful actions of the appearance of grown men acting with childishness and stubbornness! And yes sir, our international reputation is on the line, just as you said.”

All of us have the ability to be heard, but sadly we never know if it does any good. Let’s put it this way, we should never give up hope for anything we truly believe in that is worthwhile for us to be a part of and of course trying hard to change things for the better in your country of origin should always be on top of that list!

On that note of my never ending campaign to have a voice for beliefs that mean something to the many, not just me, allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you to kindly count all of your blessings and share all your overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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