Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sporadically people are letting us all know their fates...

It is not in most people’s nature that care about others when you least expect the most simple of concepts to work works…This morning I posted an innocuous question/statement requesting that people in the hurricane zone let us know their fate and therefore their stories and immediate situations and slowly it is working. Power is not back on in many locations and so with that said posting something of this nature was a giant leap of faith on my part…But I have an inquiring mind an I really want to know how they faired. Bits and pieces are streaming throughout the Medias, but on personal levels it is hard to not interfere with the agencies doing their jobs… Right now my heart just sunk hearing a woman in the background on the evening news, her not unlike me crying-speak that she wants to go home, but could not since her home was gone! Yes, dear person we do understand first hand; it was easier for us when we only were the people rushing in, in the aftermath of Hurricane Andrew hours from our home than when we were in the midst of Hurricane Charley’s direct hit, oh dear lady we know all too well…and we cry with you! The only good that can come from this and we have been hearing this periodically throughout the last few days that without techno marvels at their beck and call most are finding old fashioned low tech ways to entertain their children as well as them selves! A realization will come from all this and that has been streaming too, what in life is more important than anything and that is one’s life and that of the loved ones! Oh the horrors of it all but as we all know that life can be cruel, but no one would wish this cruelty on their worst enemy, would they? I rarely quote myself, but Geez here I go once again! If I didn’t feel that it might be somewhat apropos for our friends to the north than I would not have posted it here… and change the singular to the plural in the state reference, it is here that it is written with love and hope for all… “Formula for a Return to Normalcy By me, on page #58 in the book entitled, ‘Summer of the Storms’, published by the Peace River Center for Writers copyrighted 2005 all rights reserved We are in flux, but soon we’ll be able to return to what we remember as home. Hurricanes have caused all to be in an uncontrollable situation. We must take back that control! As a state we must reconnoiter all options to regain our strength as a whole entity, train ourselves to be valiant, reclaim what we lost and make it better. We can network our knowledge and resources. We can show compassion for one another in this horrid commonality of misfortune. The old adage is true, misery does love company. Understanding, first hand, what others have been through gives us something we all can relate to. A TV show psychologist stated that to cope with such traumas, we must turn emotion into motion. Simply said; do something! Energy should be well spent in a positive productive way. This way we disallow negative thinking to take over. And yes, we all have plenty to do to accomplish our tangible tasking. From simple, annoying, repetitive calling of insurance agents and contractors to physically getting in there and doing the work to repair or replace. Life has never been simple, but with a recipe to regain whatever we consider our normalcy, this unreality too will become familiar, bringing us again to what our lives once were.” With a bit to think about, I can only hope that I have taken a wee morsel off of your heavily burdened shoulders with some positivity and on that note please allow me to be the first to wish you all a very happy good night and to ask you to kindly to count all your blessings and to share your overages and we will too! And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

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