Friday, November 2, 2012

"Reach out your hand today to support others who need you."

Now I am not psychic or clairvoyant by any means way shape or form, but this was in Hubby’s fortune cookie. And I was, as he was, amazed at the accuracy of the concept, since today we did donate to the Red Cross for Hurricane Sandy relief. To go from the truly prophetic to the mundane was in Hubby’s second fortune, “Next time, order the shrimp.” There’s a laugh for you and proof once again how things are just, many times, can be racked up to happenstance. My two were nothing to write home about but I will post them here anyway, since others may find more in them that they agree with than me…”Playing safe is only playing.” Now if I were younger I would feel that danger could be exciting but the young person that I was would also remember that living or doing something dangerous would have consequences that in the end one must always answer to someone other than themselves, hmm? And as an older person I am just too tired, period. Any-who, last but not least this one I used to tell others but in other words, mine first, the only person you have to compete against in life is yourself, in meaning being the best ‘you’ that you can be. Okay, now the fortune’s turn, “Our purpose in life is not to get ahead of other people—but to get ahead of ourselves.” Close, but no cigar? Oh well, anyway the reason that we ordered Chinese food again, actually it was a month ago that we did last time to the day (CRAZY, you are probably wondering why so anal; not really, we wrote the date on the new enclosed menu from last month), with plenty of left overs again, thus four fortune cookies, not four people, ha, was because we had a heck of a day. Hubby’s toilet was singing a sour note, good thing he worked as an apprentice plumber while putting himself through the Academy of Aeronautics at LaGuardia for aeronautical engineering. Consequently, we have never called a plumber in all these years, all fixed but a bit of a timing issue… Also this computer’s DSL was not co-operating once again, four days ago it acted up and in the wee hours of the morning I called CenturyLink which has 24/7 tech support and it was fixed before I knew it, but again it went all screwy and so I called back. This time it was after I did what was told to do previously and it did not work this time. And so I called; within the hours we’re back online, TA DA! Haven’t used that, ta da, in a while, it felt real good…I’m easy. Moving on… I think that Mayor Bloomberg canceling the New York Marathon was a good idea, or maybe not, financially, but yes canceling it was a very good idea, or not financially they could use that money to help the relief fund, or maybe the law enforcement people and EMT’s would be taken away from where they are truly needed in the devastated areas to help those people who need them more… It’s times like these that I am really HAPPY it was NOT my decision to make! LOL! Only time will tell if Mayor Bloomberg made the right final decision. I hate being so indecisive, but thankfully not with my vote! On that note of who knows what, allow me to be the first to wish all of you a very happy good night and for all of you to kindly count all your blessings and share all your overages and we will too! Keep sending them, blessings that is, up to our northeastern US friends too! And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

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