Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Did you ever feel sorry for enjoying a holiday? Many tonight will be trying their darndest to make the most of this one in spite of no homes, electric and severe devastation surrounding them…And for that I think is incredible, since we all know that it is for the children that we try hard to make life not so really scary, just fun scary! With that said, we all know that many won’t be able to celebrate in the ways that they planned to perhaps and so for that reason alone we should all try to think of them as we give our neighborhood ghosties and goblins their treats to prevent a trick. And just maybe we could think of how we could change any of the misery up there with listening intently while watching the news unfurl of more tragedies with more deaths and so many more areas destroyed. We, as always see and hear this all with our hearts being torn out…wishing to know what to do…In the olden days we would have gone physically to help, but with too many health issues these days the only way that we personally can help is to give a little money to legitimate agencies that do what should be done to help. And if we all do without too much thought except thinking that if it was us they would do it too for us, as they have done before…then you will be able to know what is true and right and Nike it! (Just do it!) The old Nike motto not the new one, which I am not too sure of what that, is. Any-who, I would check with your local TV stations on finding tried and true legitimate agencies to donate to, since they seem to work hard on debunking the charlatans and would be a great asset for the practice of knowing what’s what and safest. We, have found over the last several years with having dogs, now down to a one and only that when anyone rings the doorbell and knocks on the door oddly enough our canine companions think it’s for them and bark and try to welcome each and every guest. And so we have devised a system that many may think that is coping out, but to us it keeps all parties happy and safe… and as we all know a picture is worth a thousand words and here it is:
I suppose you cannot read the sign so here is its close up:
On that handling of an usual problem for many, allow me to be the first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you kindly to count all of your blessings and share those overages with you know who and we will too! And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

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