Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I've been called a 99% and a 47% and I wonder how we can be both?

You see, 99% and 47% add up to 146% and than I would be more than any things actually are, being more than 100%; now does that make sense to you? Many feel that a minority of any group is what holds the majority back, but how can this be true? If the majority is always changing demographically-wise; than what does that really mean? If you are less than the entire whole of the many; than does that mean that you are not enough? Can you see why I find this so unsettling and a wee bit confusing… to put it into a better perspective; who are ‘they’? Now if ‘they’ are truly the majority and than I suppose that ‘they’ have a right to tell us what the status quo for doing stuff should be; or would it be more correct to get a polling of many groups from all aspects of the many of ‘they’ to see who really has the best handle on who is all with the right? Or is that who’s left? Gosh and I am an adult trying hard to figure this all out and that is why children you must be eighteen to vote! The many may skip over many steps to get to the conclusion of whom is really in charge in the bigger picture of things…but the few have no right to complain since the many know what they are doing and what is best for the few? Geez, no wonder they waited so long to change the voting age from 21 to 18, this is hard, real hard; now get your minds out of the gutter folks, I meant hard thinking, like thinking too hard, got that? Decisions to help others are something you do without too much thought; none if done from the heart and what most of us used to do is JUST DO IT! Without any fanfare of needing to make a political statement of how much you care about your fellow man and woman. (Is it just me or does saying fellow man and woman sound odd to you too?) Any-who, one candidate chose to do the job he was voted in to do and in his heart of hearts and with calmness and caring has taken charge of the most difficult thing he has had to do in his life, I am more than sure… calm the fears of a nation. With his leadership we know that the job will be done, because he has never ever flipped flopped making us think anything other than what he does when he sets his mind to do something on a steady calming path of decision making that makes us all know that eventually all will be alright. What a guy! The other one, the one from central casting, good looking and making you feel like he is reading now from a script these last few days to try to acquire the role of President and assaying what he thinks we want to hear… that all is asides were just not true and that he really cares for everyone from every walk of life? OH PULEEZ, do we all look like we fell off a turnip truck? NEXT… no job of Commander and Chief for you sir, try going back to your agent I heard they may be making a remake of, Knute Rockney All American, circa 1940. That way you could try the same route for the job that Ronald Reagan took, after paying his dues as a fair actor for a few decades with next being President of the Screen Actors Guild than Governor of California and by than you might be ready or way too old to care…! I here say that in acting class they have methods to teach you to be more convincing in the caring department. On that much to think about and little to say… allow me to truly tell our friends to the north how we care about your well being in this aftermath and we have been watching and hearing what you have been going through, glued to our techno marvels and praying that all will be better as soon as it can be…our blessings are with all of you and saying that we are concerned sounds so small…LET’S ALL GIVE TO the redcross.org CASH! They and many others are all on their way… if not there already.

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