Monday, October 29, 2012

Public Service Announcements

Tonight’s offering is going to be a bunch of important info that has to do with dealing with disasters and their aftermath here in the United States of America: Knowing which agencies to contact is of the utmost importance: 1.FEMA: 2.American Red Cross:, for yourself for all they can do for you or to find missing people you care about 3.Your insurance companies phone numbers for wind and flood with your policy numbers to call immediately after. All vehicles insurances too including boats and RV’s or whatever, golf cart or whatcha-ma-call-its…While your at it serial numbers of electronic etc… all in water proof containers. While at it put your favorite family pictures in there too! 4.A live blog on Yahoo pertaining to the storm 5. Weather underground an additional site for watching your local and national weather 6. The weather channel: 7. By now you must have taken all your before pictures, well if not, too late, but DON’T forget after pictures of everything that is EVERYTHING! You know a picture is worth a thousand words, here more than ANYTHING! *Go to any of those important agencies to make sure that you have it right before they get too inundated with calls… And most of all know that we care and are praying for all of you and PLEASE DON’T BE STUPID; EVACUATE IF YOU ARE TOLD TO! You don’t want to make the officials jobs harder and more dangerous than they already have it working non-stop until this historic Frankenstorm is over! Sorry, if I sound like I am whining to all of you, HECK I don’t care if it bothers your insensibilities…I love you and want you all to fair perfectly well from this moronic aberration of nature’s wrath! See I told you that you all should have behaved, just kidding! But seriously folks take care be smart as we all know that you are and smart people know when to ask questions of others in the profession that they are not in, but pertains to what they want to know, you got that, hmm? Any-who, all the above is said with true concern for your wellbeing. On that note of true hope to make this not as devastating by your life being in harms way…allow me to be the first to wish the rest of you a very happy good night and ask you kindly to count your blessings and share the rest with our friends up to the northern part of these fine United States and we will too! And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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