Sunday, October 28, 2012

How low can you go without an oh no?

Most of today, again, I was feeling pitiful. Not in the emotional respect, in the bodily respect. Blah and lightheaded, yep, I know most feel that I must be lightheaded all of the time due to how I act…bud, dump bum, hmm? And so Hubby took my blood pressure and sure enough it was way too low, something like 87/44 and so he took it again and it was a bit lower than it had a few E’s which usually means it was not registering…GET THE CRASH CART, type bad, and so we all know that is way too low and it usually could mean it is when you would go! And so Hubby had an epiphany and decided to take his blood pressure and sure enough his was low too, but still not my bottom of the barrel low…but a little bitty lower than normal like 126/67 or something like that and for him quite low. He came to the conclusion that our six years plus Wally World home unit with recently replaced batteries could have lost its ability to continue in the in-home healthcare keep an eye on things, due to doctor recommendations field of practicality or what-have-you? I would lay down in bed and my legs would go numb and that also happens when I stand for more than ten minutes, thus the parathesia, but I hate that bed thingy since I try to get up and it is a challenge, ya know? So I fell back onto the bed and of course my canine companion always knows when things are amiss, since he cuddles right alongside each and every time this or anything happens negatively to either one of us! Skipper is amazing, but so were all his predecessors that sixth sense of knowing and loving you unconditionally wow what a feeling! And the instinct to also know when things are better for you too; and going about their business… don’t we all wish that some humans were built with those instincts too? You see, it all started again with my spasms in my neck, odd how it was few and far between there and now coming more often there, making it try hard to go to the left, but not politically, although some believe that is my standing being a liberal, (sadly someone is putting the opposing teams ads on my site, not me, by the way)…Any-who, and then with my MS hugs which are not hugs at all but painful squeezes and this time in their favorite place lately, under around my body under the breasts through to my back, causing my back to be in excruciating pain too, no fun at all! So you can well imagine, alright maybe not imagine, but try and understand? Sure, you all have compassion and that other thing that I mentioned; why else would I be wasting my time talking to you, huh? Even sitting here I had to regroup to come back and finish this tonight, my neck and back are causing me to have difficulty sitting upright and so bed seems to be my best location for now… I HATE THAT! So now I will wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you to kindly count all your blessings and share all your overages and we will too! And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

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