Saturday, October 27, 2012


The media and I and many others that are more knowledgeable than any of us have told all of us to not ask on the social media; including such sites as Facebook and Twitter any questions that you really don’t want people from every walk of life coming out of the woodwork to answer…GOT THAT? Ask professionals in privacy in the field of expertise that you’re interested in knowing the IMPORTANT answers to, right? Again, someone on one of those sites asked a medical question and I Googled the topic of they’re interest and posted it for their pondering and got myself into trouble with trying to help them…as usual. That’s why I only post access to my blogs there. No controversial topics there, only here and who but a few actually read this not counting the ten countries that now have the ability to translate this into the language of their homeland. And I do read everyone else’s and politely respond, when asked to like whatever they might have to say/post… And most have been non-controversial or too personal and mostly just interesting or amusing in content…so why not? But once your ask specific personal questions online for all to see you should know that you are not always going to like what the people in the world might have to say or agree with their ability to access info on your behalf or tell you the worst scenario that could be your answer to your own personal health issue, not to scare you but to inform you of no longer needing medication for that problem… and before you even know for sure you have the medical condition and that you were just being tested for it and that you were worried about it! I guess I am one of those people who are not ready for any PRIME TIME PLAYERS; I’m more the late night type of help. The kind you hide from the rest of the family and friends, you know the type, a bit dotty? And for that I am MORE THAN PROUD! What did you think I would say? I know who I am and even though I am not always happy with me, I know who I am. Nightly I laugh at the repeat shows of The Big Bang Theory which we both love and every time Sheldon says that line “I know I’m not crazy my Mom had me tested”, I let out a big Guffaw! You see it is because that when I was a difficult teen of fifteen and thought my Mom knew nothing, I would nastily say I hate you to her and so I ended up going to a child/teen psychologist and the result was that I didn’t ever have to go back. I was a real brat then. When I inquired why, my parents told me that I was behaving completely normal for a fifteen year old. And that’s why whenever I hear that line; I think of that… who knew that they could be so wrong about him and me, hmm? HA! Another problem this early morning in spite of me being on this techno marvel I was quite ill with either, food poisoning, sinus headache out the wazoo or dare I dare a migraine, haven’t those in over thirty years, allergy related then. Any-who it got so bad my stomach was as bad as my head and it revolted into the toilet its meager contents of my morning coffee and the first of my daily meds my thyroid and Gabapentin too… never know if I should refill me with them of wait to the next day when this happens and so I have been waiting until the next day… hours later Hubby made me a light breakfast while I had returned to bed. Moist towels on my head and neck and a clear line to the bathroom if need be, but by then the feeling of that diminished nicely. And so I took my mid morning handful of pill goodies, too many to rattle off here, but they all stayed put. By the afternoon I took my much needed shower and my Copaxone shot right after, and I am back schedule with my after dinner pills…all I have left are my bedtime ones, whew! But such is my life with those eighteen pill poppings and one shot these days. I suspect I better than many but not as good as some. So that is why I will tie this up tonight in a neat little package for all of you and ask you to allow me to be the first to wish you all a very happy good night and ask you kindly to count all your blessings and share all you overages and we will too! And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

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Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel!

Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel! : ...Sorry about that! But where can we go from here? Talk about the election by not talking ...