Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Gosh, man, what is it with you? I thought that I had too much time on my hands, but apparently not as much as you do. With only one child left in the nest and your show on hiatus I suppose there is some boredom that goes along resting from counting your commodities. Money, money, money…that’s all you REPUBLICANS think about! Now you are offering 5 million for Barack’s college transcripts? Although, it is rather nice that you are offering in the actual exchange to give those monies to any charity that he, the president of these United States would like that is if he reveals his records by October 31st. I would think that he might consider for his insult to our Commander and Chief that he should give an additional 5 million to support Barack’s presidential campaign for you, Trump, being such a horse’s petuty in the way you have been treating this particular president as if you were a bit racist in my opinion? (Not unlike what David Letterman had said months ago and took back due to media pressure or who knows what; I believe.) I can only go by the fact that up until this last presidency that you never ever before questioned our previous presidents credentials or if you had I do not recall. Mr. Trump, if that is not the motive; with your narrow-minded way of thinking, dare I say racist undertones, than why him and none of his predecessors, sir? Not even any other Democrat if I recall. Does that seem odd to you too? You know, your only daughter even married someone from my own hometown of Paramus New Jersey and that made me feel perhaps you were learning something about other people, different from you; he is also a kinsman to my race, a Jew. I thought that would teach you tolerance, how could I be, oh, so wrong? So every time you do things you shock America one more time with your acerbating persona…Please sir, I implore you, what is your motivation to cause so much grief to so many? To me it is just being mean spirited and I so wish you would stop. There are better ways to get attention and I am sure you know more than anyone could vaguely imagine. This is something I do not know why is so important to you when even the dumbest of presidents was not questioned about his educational background. And I have the decency not to mention any names… On that note of MUCH NOTE, allow me to be the first wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you kindly to count all your blessings and share all of your overages and we will too! And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

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Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel!

Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel! : ...Sorry about that! But where can we go from here? Talk about the election by not talking ...