Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Whew! The last of the debates are over… Are we all relieved?

It's times like these that I wonder why they don't use the old concept of leaving the audience wanting more; I don't know about you, but that was enough for me and Hubby too. Perhaps it's because both of us have already voted or not... Sure it looks like the president won last night and there is no reason to believe otherwise except for the pundits trying to make you second-guess yourselves. Perspective, I think that Joy Behar from The View stated a very interesting and plausible idea that Gov. Romney was not much different than a child copying another student’s homework the one who has all the right answers, of course that was our president; that's not verbatim, but close enough. Some with intelligent minds seem to believe that the last three presidential debates that Gov. Romney handled himself as the prospective candidate, not just a pretty face with no substance. I, on the other hand was not persuaded to believe that the Gov. was any more than what he first represented to us. And in my belief he to me is beyond understanding the average American of the many trials and tribulations of not having such an easy life; I only base my prejudices on what his biography of his life was like. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitt_Romney I am more than sure that not all information is absolutely correct or all there with nothing left out, in my opinion. But this I am sure that his people are aware of his background and what they want America to know about him…And our President’s bio too is available and his life was much, much more difficult but he made it through with a good education and a terrific support system and his team to has the prerogative to adjust their info on him...Here is access to his, which I believe may be more relatable to many Americans: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama And of course some things may not be exactly accurate here too, but we all know now how to fact check and so go to a reliable source when deciding on whom you want to hold our socio-economic and military, education, caring for the elderly, health issues and women’s lives in their hands; someone who lived with these as challenges and survived and saw first hand or someone who has no realistic clue who was protected and raised in a bubble…The information is as clear as it can be…to me. Moving on… My phone call yesterday was from a young woman who also has MS, a volunteer who runs a support group up in Ocala; she is forty-one and had been diagnosed back in 2005, the average age for it. She had been a physical therapist prior to her illness taking her away from it…She has been on disability since the above year, but like me took years to get the proper diagnosis. She takes Rebif, Zanaflex and Gabapentin, all usual medications for MS. Her spasms were severe enough for her to go on Zanaflex 4mg, a muscle relaxer three times a day and to be on 3600 MG. of Gabapentin the maximum recommended dose and she is doing very nicely she said, but not in those exact words. She was a lovely person who had been miss-informed when she contacted me, because I think that she felt that I was newly diagnosed and knew nothing about my rights to speak with my doctor on medications. Of course I did try delicately to let her know that it was not the case…well, maybe, not that delicately, but we hung up after with a shared idea in the works since she had my email address, but oddly enough I forgot to get hers…During our conversation I mentioned that my doctor seems to be rather conservative in adjusting my medications, especially my two anti-spasmodics, the Baclofen 70 mg. and the Gabapentin 900 mg. and she suggested asking my doctor about her Zanaflex and I said that I would. But with me on so many other medications for so many other illnesses I have gotten into the habit of looking them up online and to see if they are contraindicated with any of my other conditions… and sure enough Zanaflex is not recommended for people with high blood pressure, which I am on medication for but my blood pressure is normal or low with my medication and so I will have to ask my pharmacist or doctor; too confusing for a layman to figure out all by herself. I did write a note to the NMSS to mention what I found out and that she had told me to ask my doctor who I am not scheduled to see until April again; so that is why I looked it up. On that bit of information and some things for all of us to think about allow me to be the first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you kindly to count all your blessings and share those overages and we will too! And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel!

Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel! : ...Sorry about that! But where can we go from here? Talk about the election by not talking ...