Thursday, October 25, 2012

"Gee, I wish I had one of those."

Curmudgeon here; yesterday while Hubby and I were on our whirlwind tour of upper Charlotte County business district stopping here and there acquiring our items on our errands list… One of our many stops was at Wally World for birdseed toiletries etc. and of course I use my scooter in there since without it, it would extremely difficult to get around the very large super-sized complex. Again while asking a store employee where such and such was in the medicine isle and in route to maneuver to where she had indicated my item was a woman around my age or perhaps even slightly older looked at her male companion and I sure wish I had one of those to get around…Mind you this was a woman who sprinted up to me nearly into my path…I yelled back over my shoulder “NO YOU don’t you have to Multiple Sclerosis to have one of these” I know that perhaps I was making an assumption that she did not have it, why Ann Romney has MS, but you would never know she has it either…but I was annoyed… and now that I am more than fat, obese in reality, I think everyone thinks that is how I got this way, but not true… no, not true at all...It is like that Lemony Snicket guy or with his Series of Unfortunate Events, and I thought that Jim Carey did a fine joy with that, any-who… my life is not at all like his except for the concept of his title; you see my unfortunate incidents, better title for me, is that I seem to know how to keep putting my foot in my mouth and most always have a multitude of regrets later… It seems to the untrained eye that by this mature age I should realize what twists others into knots with what I spew forth at them, but no, I have not seemed to be able to accost my own behavior, nor do I see in my near future that happening either…sadly. But I get out so infrequently compared to how things used to be with just hopping in the car and going whenever, ya know? Not in charge of my own journey/wanderlust gal fate, ya know? These last few years have been hard for me not being able to get up and go… it reminds me of that old joke,” I used to be able to get up and go, but now my get up and go, went!” Back to that woman who appeared fine and dandy and very nearly ran right into my scooter since she came up on my blind side and I didn’t see her until she almost became road kill, well I guess not truly road kill in a Wally world at speeds not exactly breaking any jogger’s records…but you get my drift, hmm? What would you do, all you polite peeps out there? I bet you would say nothing and disappear into the metaphoric woodwork, hmm? Not my style, as you all know, by now, though even though I have been this close to getting clobbered probably for my ill advised commentary… NEVER, since no one feels the need to hit a physically challenged, disabled, oh, I forget what the latest PC is for us gals who cannot get around any more without being aided and abetted by other means i.e. than their own footsies due to possibly falling! Now don’t all write back to me and tell me how you would have handled it differently, since we all know that you are all much more polite than I… or is that me? So that is my true confession of what transpired yesterday on our outing and whew, all I can say is that I feel much better now that I got that off of my chest; was it as good for you as it was for me? Now get those minds out of the gutter; I meant that seeing what I did in print as I do here nightly is more than steam cleansing from all my bad behavior... Now allow me on that refreshing breath of good air penetrating my being, allow me to be the first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you all kindly to count all your blessings and share all your overages and we will too! And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

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Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel!

Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel! : ...Sorry about that! But where can we go from here? Talk about the election by not talking ...