Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The eyes don't have it…

All day long I've been having weird occurrences and I don't mean phenomena wise; that should be last night and today that my eyes have been doing their trickery on me. Whatever does she mean? Well, last night I saw four glasses when there should've been two and then lefty has been playing clear unclear with its window on the world all day long. I awoke with left hip down to my heel of my foot same side numb and not sure that it would hold me up, but it did and so I did my Chester routine (for you youngins I was referring to the Gunsmoke character of Chester, the man with the lame leg that he dragged behind him, as he called to Marshall Dillon: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gunsmoke) into the kitchen for a cup of Java and then into the Sun room here to turn on this techno marvel its daily journey into the world and beyond… My day went up and down most all of it and I did hear back from the doctor’s office about my two questions that Hubby reminded me last night were premature. The reasons were logical and so when the nurse called back this morning I started to laugh and she said what he said that my medications were good till January and that's when I should call back, two or three days before I need them and as far as the insurance goes I don't even know the name of the company yet that I'll be having and so that too was premature. As human beings we are all imperfect and I myself prove that to me daily, hourly, minute to minute and even by the second some days. With that said I allow myself to know that mistakes can be made, but here's the hard part not without guilt in my case. It amazes me how some can consistently make mistakes and never be concerned or apologize if their mistake has a negative result affecting other people. Fortunately, or unfortunately, most of mine only affect me. Self deprecating is what I seem to do lately. Although, I am one of the first to speak up when bullies bully me or another. A newswoman in the Midwest faced her criticizing bully on air by reading his e-mail to her viewers and responded accordingly, all I have to say to this woman is, “BRAVA!” Well done. She responded by calling the man out on his impolite behavior by not being someone who knew her personally or a family member and she felt that he should own up to his mistake. And he did, after the fact; of course that's what they all do; retraction not all do. We live in a world where on-air personalities come into our homes and for some reason many of us forget that they are not part of our families, as much as many of us would like them to be or in some cases not be. Oprah Winfrey made it easy to feel that way, although many of us did not understand that line to not cross. We would e-mail and talk to her as if she was our best friend and ask her for favors that of course were ridiculous, but Oprah sometimes would make dreams come true for a few. That's why I believe she sent mixed signals to her adoring audience. No wonder so many thought she was their personal fairy godmother for 25 years. We all love Oprah, and were saddened by her decision to leave network television behind to start her own, OWN, network on cable. Unfortunately, as most of you know, we don't get cable since we use an antenna and lately we go to our Blockbuster site and order shows that we see advertised on network commercials or on TV shows or ones that win awards. Most recently, we've been watching Homeland, but we watch shows from the sci-fi channel and others just by ordering them online to be sent to our house. This way is much more reasonable than monthly cable bills. That's how we keep up in life with bargain basement prices, ta-da! It's going on 17 years now that we haven't had cable and every time we get the urge we remember that we can write down the names or search online for anything that we like and request it to be sent to us, I must admit it has been working out fine for us. But all of you have to do what's best for you and of course we all prefer creature comforts. It's just a matter of how much you're willing to pay for them… Leaving you with the realization that I am still thrifty, allow me to be the first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you kindly to count all your blessings and share all your overages and we will too! And next time please be here or be square, ya hear! PS I did match up those like minded people and even added another into the mix an author of impeccable although none of us are truly perfect he comes fairly close in his profession… in his abilities and reputation.

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Speaking My Mind: Back to voting...! :   The Taylor component is working its magic in the article below! I'm all for whatever works! Vot...