Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Posting and our responsibility to project…

Tonight, I thought I would talk to my Facebook friends to tell them that I think it is wonderful that so many of us, a world wide group, so course we have differing ideas and concepts and we state them boldly and proudly all over our Facebook pages. Personally, I think it's absolutely marvelous to have opinions; if I didn't think that I'd be a hypocrite. The only thing that has been stated nationally with social media is the ramifications of posting extremely negative opinions. And so as I and you should think about is to perhaps count to 10 and to be cautious when posting something on someone else's site that might be something that will come back and bite us in the butt in our futures. Now, there is a way to delete it after you’re sorry you said it and personally I've done that several times. All of know that we can try different ways to express our feelings without personalizing our interest in someone else's site for commentary or links to other sites. Being helpful is wonderful and I highly recommend it, but perhaps it should be tempered with staying on-topic, theirs. Mean spirited talk/writing conversations never turn out well. As I'm growing older, I'm finding out that not unlike tangible items in life words have to be doled out cautiously with prioritizing intact as well. I slip, more often than not, but as I said: no one is perfect, especially me; all right that sounds like I'm more human than others and we all know that certainly is not true! So I've been told that in this world of 7 billion strong we are all humans, nothing new there. I just had a very weird thought, now if each one of us humans, 7 billion of us, made, let's just say 3 mistakes a day that would be 21 billion mistakes a day, 7665 billion a year, not counting leap year! That's crazy! You see my point and not even a ripple in the space-time continuum; it is somewhat miraculous, don't you all think? Of course you all do… Perspective that's what I talk about putting things in perspective; let's examine that word ‘perspective’ its meanings: viewpoint, standpoint, outlook, point of view, perception, side, angle…lookout, prospect, view, scene, picture…Whew! I'm pooped, how are you? Now, all of that above info doesn't tell you that it is your opinion, which I believe is the true meaning of what a perspective is. I don't believe even with education that we can give someone else's perspective on anything; oh wait unless we plagiarize their thoughts and ideas, nah and not a very good idea at all! This is why the arts are so wonderful, music, painting, dancing, writing, you get the idea… They all allow for self expression, therefore opinions! Hip, hip hooray! Individual as we all believe ourselves to be we are affected by others, by teachings, by friends and family and just by social mores of what others may think we should think. That's not to say that we are so malleable that we are that easily influenced, but through osmosis or what-have-you it is inevitable that some opinions strong or weak have been ingrained within us by sneaking through into our sub-conscientiousness’. And etchings of that sort are extremely difficult to shake. As we all think as young parents that our children at times don't listen to us; I beg to differ with you, they sure do! And so in closing what we say online has an enormous effect on how we present ourselves on the world stage. That's all folks! This was a mother speaking and that is my only excuse. Love to all... On that who knows what, allow me to be the first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you kindly to count all your blessings and share all your overages and we will too! And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

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Speaking My Mind: Back to voting...!

Speaking My Mind: Back to voting...! :   The Taylor component is working its magic in the article below! I'm all for whatever works! Vot...