Thursday, October 11, 2012

Being classy...

Is it truly more refined seemingly not to respond to a scathing commentary in the form of letters or e-mails? I just read something that made me wonder about that. One of our local newscasters/anchor had received, a few years ago, a letter telling her that she was so fat that they couldn't understand how her husband could stay with her; and I am paraphrasing her naysayers comment… Someone told her she had more class for not responding to the perpetrator. And she said to everyone, little did they know that I was nine months pregnant. Now, in retrospect I would've thought it would have been nice for her to let that person know that she was expecting and perhaps that person would have thought again before they wrote or said anything of that nature to anyone ever again. And that person would probably be more cautious in the future. Knowing not to say that I learned the hard way, when I asked a woman with a protruding belly one time, when is the baby due; and she said to me I'm not pregnant I'm just fat. I realized that I probably hurt her feelings, even though mine was said without malice or forethought. The woman was very nice about it and I learned a very good lesson that day. Sadly, I now have a protruding belly and I'm way too old to be accused of being expecting at the age of 62. Oddly enough when the topic was brought up on her site people thought her not saying anything was the appropriate way to handle the situation. I suppose that the fact that she was an older expectant mother never occurred to her causing confusion. The only reason I brought that fact up is because my own mother also was an older mother and I'm sure many people wondered if she was fat too, at 39. But in late 1949/50 when I was born most mothers were in their 20s. I do know that there have been miracles where women in their 50s or 60s have given birth; I guess not miracles but doctor aided pregnancies. And even with all that information many are surprised to see women older expecting; especially with the obesity rate so high, it's an easy mistake. Now this woman, also an anchor, but in the Midwest was not expecting and she knew she was overweight, even obese according to a doctor’s BMI chart and so she responded to her negative e-mail. And I do believe the way she handle it also was with class! Mean people, bullies, have to be told that when they go over the limit of appropriate behavior they have to be reeled in or they will continue to misbehave without any qualms of how they think they should handle people. This was a personal affront to this woman and she used the airwaves to call him out on it; mind you she never mentioned his name, just what he wrote. It was his decision to out himself. And as I said before he did apologize after the fact. When did no action become the proper reaction? I know in ancient times or long ago times we’re told to turn the other cheek. I can remember being told sticks and stones may break my bones and names will never hurt me. But over the years, bullying has become out of hand and so I still believe the Midwesterner, the anchor, took the right road with her decision to face the person responsible. It is a form of persecution and like any other persecution, be it racial, religious or how we look people have no right to judge you and that is what I truly believe this was about; as simple as that. PS on this topic at the time the woman with a protruding belly that was fat not pregnant she told me; I myself was a skinny belink, with a 20 inch waist, again all perspective. If it wasn't for the people who said something we might still have colored and white bathrooms. We may have lost more than 6 million Jews in World War II, and Ellen DeGeneres might not have a TV show today, just thinking and realizing that many things that people don't like because they're different from what they're personal experience is would've never changed. So if your decision is to shut up when somebody hurts your feelings so hard so deep that you are crying inside, but you're too classy to say anything than try to remember what I wrote here today… And next time just an idea try 'speaking your mind' and see if you can make this world a little bit better place for everyone not just the bullies getting away with something. On that note-worthy realization, allow me to be the first to wish you all a very happy good night and ask you kindly to count all your blessings and share all your overages and we will too! And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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