Friday, October 12, 2012

Last night was the only vice presidential contenders debate

Now to have an educated opinion about anything you must be fully engaged in the experience of what you're watching, and I must admit at times, more times than not I was less than engaged in any of it... I love Joe Biden and he's a sweetie, but he pulled a Mitt Romney in my opinion with how he acted during the debate last night, ie. laughing an interrupting, which I had forgotten is an appropriate debating method, I only had one in my life and I/we won. Although, in my opinion also I felt that he had more accurate information to expound into the debate on international levels than his opponent Paul Ryan and on major topics that concern all of us he was more in keeping with many of us, as if he really listens and knows what we really want. The winner of the contest last night in some polls has it being a draw and in others VP Biden won and in others Congressman Ryan was the winner and that is why I am more than confused. It is the only one we are going to see these two men in action and for that I'm sure they're more than happy. Everyone makes jokes about VPs anyway how they really don't do that much, but as we all know that if heaven forbid the president cannot carry on they will become the man in charge, in this case, man instead of woman, oh darn. So it's our responsibility to know as much as we can about the person in the second seat. Next week the president and governor Romney will be having a town hall meeting and hopefully our dear Barack will be back in his usual explicable dynamic Superman attire inside and out. We need him there as the man that we chose back in 2008 needing and wanting him to lead us out of the doldrums into a happiness of peace of mind and ability to regain the basics that all Americans require to succeed; a place to live, food in their bellies, a good education and a job or career and the knowledge to know when they get older and have paid into their government fund that it will still be there to take care of them for it is theirs/our money or when that time comes that we no longer have the ability to work. Slowly the process is appearing to be showing that it is in flux, which we all know means that time is a factor for the change for the better. Patience is a hard thing to have, but we can all do it we do know to keep our eye on the prize with determination and so we will do it! Moving on… Today we had an inspection to see if we were prepared enough for any possible disaster and this was through our homeowner’s insurance company, Citizens. It was our second one this year, the first one was ridiculous and done by, in our opinion, an unprofessional inspector. This one today, who also lives locally, at least tried listening to what we told him and when Hubby showed him what the other fellow missed, he actually did his darndest to look and realized where the other had made mistakes; the report will take about three weeks and we should find out if we are going to be asked to pay an exorbitant amount on what we already pay yearly. This is one of those things that can throw off keel the delicate balance of finances that we like to try and keep manageable monthly; like everyone else. Stay tuned for when we know what's going on so will you. It's frustrating these little dings in your day for we had more today… It was today the day Hubby was to pick up his new glasses that he had ordered last week he was told that they would be in, in a week or sooner. Today was the latest that they were supposed to be in and so to be sure Hubby called and sure enough the gentleman on the other end of the line said that they came in a few days ago, three or four and that he tried calling but that number was disconnected. And so Hubby asked the man what number he was calling and he was calling a number that Hubby nearly forgotten about, since it was our phone number 14 years ago in Punta Gorda where we lived for less than four years. Oh and yes, the address he had was that address too. I was with Hubby when he went to get his new glasses and the old address was in the computer and the person who helped us put the correct one in, our current 14 years old address and our phone number for the same amount of the time period. The best we can figure out is that the woman who took the information forgot to save it into the computer. And that is what the woman who helped us in the store today said. Me being previously in the business world I felt compelled to ask a simple question, I suppose simpler to me than those who work there, but why hadn't they looked our number up in the phone book we are in it, since we are listed. The woman said oh no, that they can't do that; it has to do with the problems of privacy due to the laws of HIPAA, “The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Privacy and Security Rules” “The Office for Civil Rights enforces the HIPAA Privacy Rule, which protects the privacy of individually identifiable health information; the HIPAA Security Rule, which sets national standards for the security of electronic protected health information; and the confidentiality provisions of the Patient Safety Rule, which protect identifiable information being used to analyze patient safety events and improve patient safety.” Thanks to: With that said I still was at my wits end why they couldn't just look up the right phone number or ask the other woman if what they had was correct? As much as I appreciate my civil rights being protected, to me, HIPAA has been a joke; anecdote here: while a patient in 2009 in a local hospital the nurse with a computer on the wall and a patient in the next bed from me in the same room, asked me personal questions in order to put them into the computer. Does that sound like privacy you? In my opinion, HIPAA should be amended I don't know exactly where to begin, but like other things in the laws of the land some things just don't work right and need a lot of tweaking; I'm just saying… And I don't think it is wrong that most of us realize what goes into computers can be hacked or read by people who aren't necessarily the ones we care for to see our personal information; unless you're like me and don't really care. With that to ponder and so much more, you can see that my mind is never idle, because we all know what an idle mind will do; or do we?(Insert big smile here) Allow me to be the first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you kindly to count all your blessings and share all your overages and we will too! And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

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Speaking My Mind: Back to voting...!

Speaking My Mind: Back to voting...! :   The Taylor component is working its magic in the article below! I'm all for whatever works! Vot...