Monday, October 8, 2012

Amazing, the word of the day…

Today, I was told is Columbus Day, October 8th, when we were kids it was always on October 12th. The other thing that amazed me is that some historical facts that I apparently missed have been left out of my world history class. I briefly remember being taught about the Spanish Inquisition and how horrible it all was, but for some reason I can't remember exactly what happened; considering that was nearly 50 years ago that I was in high school, I don't think that's so terrible. One of my Facebook friends posted something that apparently everyone knew but me that was on CNN opinion and here is the site if you so desire to read what I read: What, you think that I am going to tell you every thing? Actually, it is a fascinating read. Being one of that faith and reading what I did for a short time while reading it there was a swell of pride that started to come over me; but than I was besotted by one concept that disturbed me the most, it was the fact that what we did to the Native Americans at that time and the second thing that bothered me was that if the article is correct and we all know CNN doesn't usually make mistakes, although, it was an opinion piece. Now if Columbus’s ships were taking people to escape religious persecution than why would they do what was done to the Native Americans, basically what had been done to them? I know it's a conundrum of the centuries. I think most all of us realize our feelings have changed over the years about this holiday and are torn on whether or not we should just toss away all the reality of what we know historically happened or do as ‘they’ say think only of the positive parts we have been told about and what we had learned from the first people who lived here before us in our school history books? I'll let you all absorbed that… For I have other more interesting pending ideas to discuss. Earlier today I received an acceptance to become my Facebook friend from of another Australian person and they happen to be in the TV and film industry; I believe now that I have two or three friends in that field. Could it be that I am supposed to introduce them all to one another, I wonder? I did introduce one newbie in the film industry to a seasoned professional and oddly enough I'm still friends on Facebook that is with the seasoned professional, but the newbie unfriended me. I always wonder if it is better to get involved or just let things be as they are. Although, the new gentleman today is also a seasoned professional and perhaps he wouldn't mind meeting another one here in the states, what do you think? Perhaps I'll sleep on it, wouldn't want to rush into anything; not with my record. Moving on… This afternoon I had my neuro appointment and she answered all my questions with the same over the phone results that I got from her nurse before I went in and printed them out for her. And yes, she said again perhaps pain intervention would be good for me, but with corticosteroid medication being injected into my body right now with my known side affect of that of me having a diabetic reaction from it and all the people getting a bad batch and having meningitis and some even dying… I'm not doing that! She did say that even diabetics get steroid shots and I said yeah I know, but not me. Next one is that she did agree that I should wear my soft cervical collar in bed when I get those terrible top of the head headaches that is a good idea and all my other symptoms she still feel are related to the MS more so than the cervical stenosis. But she did not feel that seeing a neurosurgeon for a second opinion on how to proceed or if intervention is needed, or even an orthopedic surgeon that I used to go to that either would be a bad idea. Now that I saw her today my next appointment isn't until April, but I forgot that she gives me a year’s of refills on all my prescriptions and they are up in January and so when I got home I had to leave a message with the office manager to send me additional prescriptions until I see her again and also the insurance company that I will hopefully be attaining on the first of next month if they accept that insurance. I guess nobody likes to be in doctor’s office and so we were anxious to leave after we paid. And darn it I forgot to ask those two questions. On that little bit of this, little bit of that, allow me to be the first to wish you a very happy good night and ask you kindly to count all your blessings and share all your overages and we will too! And next time please be here or be square, ya hear? Author's note: Must recheck on editing more carefully with this Dragon program causing too many BAD mistakes!

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Speaking My Mind: Back to voting...! :   The Taylor component is working its magic in the article below! I'm all for whatever works! Vot...