Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Speaking your mind too and why...or not...

“1. Don't worry about how people might react to you speaking your mind. Understand that you have the right to say what you want to say. You have the freedom of speech, and nobody can take that away from you.
"My Simple Anxiety Trick"
1st Dose Delivers Results in 15 min Conquer Anxiety - Change Your Life
2. Don’t let aggressive people intimidate you. When somebody glares at you, glare right back at them and say what you have on your mind! Nobody owns you or your right to express yourself, so don't let anyone force you into silence. Bullies rely on the expectation that others will be intimidated by their aggressive attitudes, but it is almost always a bluff that can be easily reversed; standing your ground against them throws them off guard.
3. Remain calm. It's very important not to let your emotions take over entirely. Remember that this is just a conversation, and people will think better of you if you speak calmly and slowly. Acting calm makes you seem collected and in control, especially if other people are freaking out around you.
4. Don't shout. Yelling doesn't make people hear you any better. In fact, it can cause them to tune you out.
5. Speak clearly and make yourself heard, without having to yell. Speak just loudly enough so that people can hear your voice, and your opinion.
6. Practice speaking your mind around your friends and family. They are the first people you should start openly speaking your mind to. Even for decisions that seem small or unimportant, like where you and your friends should go to eat for lunch, let your opinion be heard. Be part of the group decision-making process.
7. Believe in yourself! If you believe what you have to say is important, others will too. Even when you're not feeling confident, acting self-assured makes you appear cool and in control of things. Stick to your guns and express yourself in ways that let others get to know the real you—not the quiet, introverted person that anxiety makes you out to be.
Practice speaking your mind and expressing yourself with your family, then with a group of friends, then with everyone.
Speak up when you feel like, but remember to respect other people's opinion too - they have the right to have their own opinions.
Be Yourself ;)”
Thanks to, and just copy and paste this site for the full story about how to speak your mind:
Geez I sure wish I read this before I started speaking my mind, KIDDING!
But for some strange reason, heaven knows why I have been winging it all these years and boy it has gotten me in deep stuff many a time!
Any-who, a couple of the suggestions I do believe I should discuss.
The number one says don’t worry what others think in thought it sounds oh so right, but in reality if you don’t want to own what you say with any possible ramifications than either ask people nicely to refrain from commenting or you should shut up!(Easier said than done, in my case, bud dump, bum.)

The statements in the number two one makes me nervous with ‘standing your ground’, after what went through with Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman case still going on here in Florida; I worry with that concept even when standing your ground verbally against a bully, wouldn’t you too become one? Is it just me, or does that sound like a possibility? GET OUT!

The third one is for very stable people in face to face confrontations, when writing you have more power to adjust your rationale accordingly, but even then mine can be questionable, hmm? (Who said I was perfect, not me, never ever.)

Number four is the easiest, no one can hear me shout in my writing; or can you?

Number five, okay speaking slowly in my life has never been my MO; I am and always will be a Northeasterner when it comes to speech patterns, and that is one speed and it is FAST. Although, I still don’t believe I have a northern accent; seriously I don’t, I traveled too much.

Number six, well I did try that one and now I have alienated them all… Chancy one at best; you do what works best for you! Go easy on this one though…WARNING!

Number seven is a given, of course everyone should believe in their selves, otherwise why wouldn’t they believe what they have to say was of any value…so that one is a reasonable one to do and should be utilized by every human being in this world!

In the last of the tips column ‘the be yourself’ part is ridiculous to have to say to anyone, why we all know that being anyone else but yourself is ILLEGAL! BIG SMILE HERE!
On that lesson of speaking all of our minds, ha, allow me to be the first to wish you all a very happy good night and ask you to kindly count all your blessings and share those overages and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

PS: Now this is my disclaimer for advising anyone to speak their own mind, mostly females, well that is ridiculous, you cannot speak my mind, any-who, do it at your own risk of being considered a big blowhard and an idiot, and not a savant, and possibly losing many peoples respect since some of the male persuasion, not all, seem to believe that silence is golden and women like children should be seen and not heard... but you do what you feel you have to do for we still live in a freedom of speech country, in this our US of A! TA DA!

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