Saturday, November 15, 2008

Slightly late but I have a good reason...

This evening I felt yucky, a medical term for not too good.
Had some hot green tea and some Tylenol and went to lie down in bed, and it did help a little so here I am.

Those horrendous fires in the Santa Barbara area of California have destroyed more than a thousand homes. Fighting those flames are 1400 firefighters who are trying their hardest to stop the fires that are fueled by Santa Anna winds, which are up to 75MPH, here that would be considered a category 1 hurricane!
About a dozen people have been injured; one person severely.
Many of the homes were with values of 1 million to multi-million dollars, but even a mobile home park of 600 homes had 500 of those destroyed.
The devastation is unimaginable to many, but not to any of us that have been through a natural disaster, and our heart and prayers go out to them.
Unfortunately, these fires last for days and days,and this is truly a difficult situation.

Our state’s dry season has nearly begun too, and we have been receiving daily bulletins about Red Flag alerts already, which mean we are very dry already and fires here could be possible too. Our season for our dry time is from the end of November till May 31st. Living by the water in this season is better than in our other season, hurricane season of course.

President Elect Obama resigns his US Senate seat tomorrow, which is proper procedure.
He has also been looking for his Secretary of State and Senator Hilary Clinton has been suggested as his choice, but until he announces it and she accepts, it is not set in stone.
Other names have also been suggested as well like Governor Richardson from New Mexico, either one would be a fine choice in my opinion.

The Nebraska law about the safe heaven that was initiated for young mothers to give up infants that they could not take care of and that they would be allowed to drop the unwanted infant off at a hospital, police station or firehouse; well 30 teens were dropped off since September 1st because there was some confusion on what designated a child, but it did say eighteen and under.
One parent even left 10 of his kids.
That law is being changed this week to be more specific about it being about newborns, and young parents that are unable to care for the infants emotionally or physically; hopefully it will clear it up to all prospective future drop-offs.
Times are tough for everyone.

Good night to all and to all take care.

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