Friday, November 14, 2008

Ordinary day

The day started out very normal for me and I conformed to my usual mundane procedures. As you might do too I made coffee, turned on the computer to check my emails and read our local online newspaper, while listening to the national news on the TV. Then I went out to feed our bird friends and our pond fish; Skipper our Bichon usually helps me with these additional tasks.

Today I also had to go for my mammogram something I have been doing for 23 years since the age of thirty-five. My Mom had breast cancer and died from a stroke two years later; I was thirty-one when that happened, and so I am diligent. I personally have had three lumpectomies, one with hyperplasia ductile a possible pre cursor to cancerous lumps; the other two were thankfully benign.
It always boggles the mind for me to think that most doctors won’t send a woman for an initial exam until the age of forty when we all know that cancer knows no age.
Just being a woman makes you more susceptible to this cancer, although one per cent of its victims are men.
My results should be in next week.
I will dutifully make a doctors appointment by weeks end; my cholesterol blood work is already back I’m sure since that was done over a week ago and I will get that too. No more getting told any answers over the phone; what are these state secrets?
It’s rather crazy when you think about it since we are so computerized that even people in India that help you with your tech problems probably have my results already!
Doesn’t it seem silly?
All this so-called personal secrecy for our unrealistic privacy when we all know that at a drop of the hat everyone knows the color of your underwear you wore in your dorm at college even 30-40 years ago!

Anyway, tonight, in a little over an hour, at 7:55 P.M. the shuttle Endeavor will be launching from the other side of our state at the space center. Here we usually feel the double sonic boom when it lands, but tonight its trajectory will go directly over us. When we lived on the other coast we could really see it go up very easily just up the hill from our home on A1A, Ocean Shore Blvd, along the Atlantic Ocean.
The news is reporting that it will be doing an extreme makeover to the space station with adding on two bedrooms, another bathroom, computer room, and a purification system to make their urine clean enough to drink, ugh!
Hopefully the take-off and landing will be uneventful.
Age is taking its toll on the program and causing concern for the shuttles mechanical and exterior strength of structure, safety is at the utmost.
Let us all hope they and their craft are all well and safe.
The space shuttle program is scheduled to end in 2010.
All the shuttles are quite old, and economically I think they are drained financially.
I sure hope they have a way to get back and forth from the space station with after all, all those additions with enough room for six permanent residents

This weekend our weather will be changing tomorrow it will still be warm and humid that is why I haven’t walked these last two days; way too hot, nearly 90!
Sunday will be starting our cold front 40’s in the mornings and seventies in the afternoons all week; I guess walking will be on my agenda and windows open here too.

Well, that’s all for tonight and so good night to all and to all stay comfortable.

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