Monday, November 10, 2008

Demise of an icon author...promises, and more

Michael Crighton, M.D. passed away on November 4. 2008 from cancer, and with the election going on I did not find the time to notice that major event.
He was really something and for those that have been living under a rock all his years on this planet here is a refresher course on some of his more memorable titles and accomplishments as the author of the Andromeda Strain ( published while still a medical student), Jurassic Park, as well as the TV show ER. From his bio I got quite a bit of additional information I wasn’t aware of. He did receive his M.D. from Harvard, which I did know, but he also taught anthropology at Cambridge University and taught writing at M.I.T., big WOW to that. What a man we as his consumers of his wares have lost, I believe he was what was given the title of a Renaissance Man. His interest in computer modeling went back more than forty years according to his bio, thus Westworld back in 1973. He will be sorely missed by all who welcomed his stories and creativity. Our condolences go out to his family what a great man.

My promise to myself was not attained today.
I did receive another email from that person I blocked many months ago, and yes I do forgive them and fear no more any ridiculous accusations, after all the election is over.
We also had a visit from an old neighbor who is now single due to his wife running off with another man. He seemed more annoyed by the fact that he had just bought her a new car than about her actual leaving him.
And yes, I also forgave my male cousin and called him today to find out how he and his lovely wife were doing.

Now to a couple of my pet peeves on the Today Show this morning they once again had professionals that were discussing what age was the best to marry.
It always amazes me that these psychologists seem to have these blanket statements that appear to be one size fits all.
They stated that people are marrying later in life, big surprise.
And they also said that the perfect age for marriage is 26 for a female and 28 for a male, since by then they should know themselves and be set in their careers.
I say how about the person they wish to marry, shouldn’t they know them?
My husband and I broke that new mold we were only 20, for me and 21, for him with some college in our resumes, and OMG it’s nearly 38 years that we have been married and still going strong! While our very well educated son, 8 years of college married at 28 and was divorced two years later!
Education seemed to meet their criteria for success.
Now I had a friend that waited until she was 35 to marry her lawyer husband, and after 20 years couldn’t wait for her relationship to be over, he died of pancreatic cancer.
Now all I can tell you is that I found that it seems to me that the more logical criteria to meet for such a bonding would be finding the right person and that could be at any age.
But doesn’t mean if you meet that person in kindergarten at age 5 that that is when you tie the knot, of course you wait until the proper age of an adult, but I still believe that lasting true love can happen anytime and anywhere. When it does happen you do really know.
I did. I told my friend that when I was only seventeen that I was going to marry my husband and I did three years later at 20.
It’s so special that feeling you get when it is right almost an out of body experience.
No rhyme or reason not at all clinical, more like the chemistry that some discuss, but I never took chemistry so I really don’t know, but alien in not much rationale.
But it can and does work.

Anyway, I definitely get annoyed with all those professionals that half of them are divorced or single it appears. So you do what is right for you.

Good night to all and to all you will know.
But if you already have it then you too know what I’m saying is true.

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