Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The election is over isn't it?

And Senator Barack Obama is our new president elect with Joe Biden as our new vice-president elect correct?
Well, the president elect Obama has been extremely busy doing the proper transitional preparations meeting with the right people etc., including yesterday visiting the White House with his wife Michele their future residence; all in accordance with a smooth changeover of power.
Then why is Governor Sarah Palin getting interviewed by Matt Lauer?
She was on the losing side, right?
And why do so many find her and her family so fascinating?
It boggles the mind, but for some reason they do.
And this is a two day interview that aired this morning on Today, and then on our local affiliate NBC station on news at noon with the trailer telling us of more of the story to air tomorrow?

Get this, just in… Lee County Florida gun sales have gone up since President elect Obama was elected, due to his concerns to stop the sale of assault weapons since too many are out there. I ask all you gun lovers, when is the last time you needed one of those to kill a deer?

You got it… I too am not happy with our lax gun laws.
Too many of the wrong people seem to me to have access readily available to weapons of human mass destruction, and it does seem too many use them way too often. Now that’s only from watching the news and reading the newspapers, but I could be wrong.
Decent people will do what is expected of them with licensing and going through the hoops for verification that they are not crazy killers, but bad people never will, really.
That’s what gets me.
Call me off the wall, but logically if there aren’t any guns then there would be none to shoot, ta da!
Yea, yea I know you could kill a person with a kitchen knife, a baseball bat, poisoning, in this case where there is a will there always will be a way.
But I ask why make it so easy?
You can miss with a bat, and maybe just hurt them real bad then you just get sued and a jail cell.
A kitchen knife might just cause a bad cut, but not necessarily kill them if you miss a major organ, then you just get sued and a jail cell.
Now poisoning who really knows how much it takes to do someone in?
The unknown factors are weight, metabolism, not to mention what if it tastes funny to them and they spit it out? Again just get sued and a jail cell.
What you forgot I write murder mysteries? And yep I have studied some.

But still, don’t we have enough troubles in our country?
The bailouts, the foreclosures, the stock market going up and down daily, food prices so high, nearly touching the sky, now the auto industry going down the tubes and we are considering bailing them out with more tax payer money, thankfully gas prices have come down a little, not too bad actually, 2.06.9 locally, shocker.
Why must we add to them by killing each other? Puleese… Those assault weapons are not for hunting!
Now is the time we should all be coming together, not tearing ourselves apart?

We surely have a long way to go, but at least now we have the right guy incharge, but still not until January 20th, that major day of hope for us all.

Good night to all and to all try and not lose hope.

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