Sunday, March 3, 2019

Thinking, thinking, thinking...

Today was another almost eventful day!
But by no means close to yesterday's very sad doggie deaths day, but not my ordinary, well that is not entirely true... you see, two times before I had my junction box?, where the charger recharges your phone the little compartment with the wires inside broke and so since my two previous phones were unable to be charged, then they were goners! I had to buy new ones.

Any-who, this morning I once again thought it was happening, Hubby always tells me not to use it when its charging the wire wiggles and causes the issues that I previously experienced!
But this time after it went off with that funny noise all night long that I foolishly ignored, telling you your battery is low, very low, when I awoke around five A.M., doesn't everyone? Anyway, I tried rearranging the end to make it make contact, yes it had been plugged in all night as usual, but by now my battery was down to 8%, lower than I had ever let it get before!

When the wire and the charger thingy didn't seem to be meeting of their minds I reversed engines and checked Hubby's phone and his charger and his was at 100% so I borrowed his, and it still did not click in, but then a moment later the lightening rod showed up so I made contact, YAY!
Then nothing.
Tried again... hopes again, and then got it, kept trying and nothing was working.

So Hubby had and I did too we began checking on Target's site to look for a new one, and sure enough they had them in our local store in stock, not our old phone, but the new next generation!
Hubby went there to get me the new one.
And after calling to turn it on, although I was afraid to touch it without the cover on it and requested the salesman send one too, but the price increased four times over what we paid just a year ago for the cover. I was concerned about being able to use the new phone without the cover with my tremor causing me to drop things even more so, causing another dilemma!

Just for the heck of it I plugged in my old phone, on my cord, and something amazing happened!
The phone started holding a charge! I suppose it was just a little dead? Not totally dead?
While talking on the landline phone with the cell salesman it went from 8% to 14%!
And this evening when I looked at it and now it was all the way up to 98%, yay and more YAY!

I use my phone for quick grammar, spell check and definitions access for this blog! And of course the obligatory all daily texting like you all, right, so thinking I would be without was temporarily quite annoying to realize how attached to my phone that I am even as a retired bum! HA!

They did not have the cover for the new one, and it's not the same size as the new one to use its, so now that concern is done with for now....

And that means right now, for now, since one never ever knows for sure... my oldie is acting like it got its second wind so the newbie will be returned probably tomorrow, the takeaway from all this is, it surely is not over till it's truly over, hmm?

Happy good night all!

Count your blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

Speaking My Mind: Moving on...

Speaking My Mind: Moving on... :   Have you noticed how calling rooms are running rampant??? One day we had the same guy calling nine times ...