Monday, March 4, 2019

Title, titles, titled, titling, entitle?

Sure, easy for you to say!
Not so easy for me always?
I do try, logically naming my tantalizing nightly gems of persuasions of ideas concepts and downright opiniated useless but not necessarily informative inner voice commentaries to entice your attention to pay attention to mine! (Joyous redundancy!)
No, not easy at all!
But I do, do it!
Yes I can, yes I can!
Cannot we all?
When we are feeling the need to be heard?
Oddly enough, I am very needy.
Oh but you all knew that.
Think of me as your escape from reality, i.e. yours!
And also your escape from proper grammar without perimeters!
Be bold, be fearless, be redundant, but DO NOT BE BEST!
Second best is more socially acceptable.
And approachable.
Many bests are snobs.
I am just saying.
Know-it-alls, ya know?
Personally, I never competed for that very reason, being mediocre has its advantages, or at least not knowing if you were or could BE BEST, for sure makes you to strive for close to trying harder daily, lacking any cigars!
Saying nothing for all this evening is an art form, some might say... please do!
As I do say nightly this drivel is all mine, and fearless!
Not many own what they say and allow the words to be etched forever in technology... but I did, I do!
Sounds like I am married to this blog, well in a way... I am faithful to it, I know that I will always regret saying some things in it to it, but no matter what I will not stop seeing it nightly, well who knows won't go there right now...I will continue to listen to whatever it has to say, easy, it rarely talks, never, but a great listener and sounding board and as I have said before my sanity!
Nearly a soul mate, but that would be just darn silly!
Enough already... rantings of a somewhat sane woman!
Thanks as always for listening.

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

Speaking My Mind: Moving on...

Speaking My Mind: Moving on... :   Have you noticed how calling rooms are running rampant??? One day we had the same guy calling nine times ...