Wednesday, March 20, 2019

They are coming you know they are! now estimated as a 1Billion Dollar enterprise just 2.7 miles from our home, opening fall of 2020.

What would you do, stay or go?

Traffic will be even worse!

Will our homes' values go up or down?

Where we lived in NJ, Lacey Township that was about a half hour from Atlantic City, was fine but the immediate area around the big hotels there their area went down in the dumps!


So many mixed emotions.

Some think that being here as a great tax payer that our already low taxes will be going down even more!

Which will have our already good to great schools they will have more available funding to make them all even better!

And in turn that will make our neighborhoods with waterfront access even that more desirable and dear, and continue to increase in value! Up, up, and AWAY!


But still mixed emotions.

What would you do?

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

Speaking My Mind: System? Storm? Hurricane?

Speaking My Mind: System? Storm? Hurricane? :   There is a possibility of a storm or a hurricane named Helene coming by us, nearby us, or at...